With Kyle's Number

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The next morning I awoke to the smell of my favorite breakfast next to my bed, chocolate chip pancakes. I assumed it was Margaret who made them, so I ate them rather quickly. As I was eating them, I noticed they tasted better than usual. However Margaret had said she was taking cooking classes. So I just assumed that was why they tasted better. When I walked into the kitchen, I realized I was wrong, very wrong.

When I walked into the kitchen to put my plate in the sink, Kyle was cooking pancakes. That's when it registered in my brain that Kyle had cooked my breakfast. That's why the pancakes tasted better. I didn't know how I felt about Kyle cooking my breakfast.

"Good morning Johnnie. How did you sleep?"

"Good morning Kyle. I slept fine, thanks for asking. Where's Margaret?"

"Margaret had to run out and do something and she was running late when I got here. She was cooking you pancakes but I told her to leave and that I would finish cooking them for you."

"Oh okay. Not to be rude but why are you here Kyle?"

"Because Johnnie. I'm taking you out for the day. You are not allowed to know where we're going or what we're doing. It is top secret. Surprise 101."

"Kyle I really don't like surprises. Please don't make me. And plus I have work to do today."

"Don't lie to me Johnnie, you love surprises. You say it all the time in your videos on YouTube. And as for you work Margaret said don't worry about it, that she'll handle it."

Curse Margaret. I'll get her back for this.

"Fine Kyle I'll go with you. But I need to be back by 8:00. No excuses. I need to be home by the time Alex gets home I promised her that I would cook for her. "

"Deal. Now go get dressed. We leave in an hour."

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