Mysterious gypsy hag

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"Edward where are we going?" Alphonse complained from the passenger seat. Edward had forced him into the vehicle without giving Al any idea of there destination.

"Alright if I tell you Al then you have to promise you won't tell anyone, got it" Edward said sternly.

Alphonse frowned. He hated keeping secrets. "Alright brother I won't tell" he reluctantly said.

Ed smiled. "Good, I'll tell you then"

And from there Edward explained to Alphonse his conversation with Pinako and how Edward was going to propose to Winry and get married. The look on Al's face was priceless.

"So were going to buy Winry a ring!" Alphonse exclaimed, full of excitement.

Edward sighed. "Yes Alphonse that's what were doing"

Al burst into a spree of air punches and dances, bumping Edward in the process, causing Edward steer the vehicle off the road. "ALPHONSE!" Edward yelled, steering the car back onto the road.

"Sorry sorry, I'm just so excited! Your getting married!" Alphonse said cheerfully.

Edward gave a smile and a chuckle. "Yea I will admit, I'm happy as hell right now" he said.

"So what kind of diamond does Winry like?" Al asked.

Edward gave Alphonse a blank stare. Of course Edward new nothing about Winrys diamond preferences. He didn't even know the different kinds of diamonds.

"Ahhh....A shiny one" Edward replied dumbly.

Alphonse face palmed and groaned. "Edward! Do you even know anything about Winry?" Alphonse questioned.

"Of course I do! She, like all women, want the biggest and brightest diamond I can find" Edward exclaimed. Edward of course did not realise what he had just said was rather sexist.

"Hmmm I hope your right Ed" Al said.

Edward shot Alphonse the look he gives when he knows he's right. Edward was still cocky as ever.


Finally they had arrived, and there ring shopping had begun. The two brothers looked at each other in confusion.

"Uh where should we start" Al asked the older brother. Edward just shrugged his shoulders and the two walked over to a row of girly looking stalls, examining the hand made jewellery they lay spread out neatly.

"Hey Ed, come look at this" Al exclaimed, motioning Ed over.

They both examined a gold ring with a large red ruby in the middle. "looks just like a philosophers stone doesn't it" Alphonse said. Edward agreed, not taking his eyes of the cursed ruby. This stone definitely didn't suit Winry. It was much too....evil. Winry was precious. She needed something delicate and beautiful.

"Let's keep looking. There's got to be something around here" Edward suggested.

The two brothers kept browsing for a while, checking out the other jewellery and rings on offer. Until Edward spotted a small stand out the corner of his eye. Out of curiosity he made his way over to the gypsy looking old lady who ran the store.

A rather small table was placed there, a velvet purple blanket spread out across the surface holding many small and large jewellery boxes and stands. There were an abundance of golden chains, earrings, bracelets and rings. All with detailed designs. They were all stunning. The whole store had a very bohemian feel to it. Which Edward found very interesting.

"A ring is it young alchemist?" The old lady questioned, never taking her eyes away from her needle work.

Edward gasped in surprise. How did she know he was after a ring!? And how did she know he was an Alchemist!?....well, 'was' an Alchemist.

" did you -" Edward questioned, but was soon cut off.

"I am a wise and old gypsy my young man, I could see it in your eyes" she answered simply. Here old but bright eyes shining.

Edward nodded slowly and looked back down at the table, still examining the delicate jewellery.

"So, what would you suggest as a wedding ring?" Ed asked curiously. This old hag obviously knew her stuff.

"Well..." She said, looking down at here items. "For such a delicate yet strong women,she would need something pure. Most likely gold..." The old lady thought to herself. Edward was astonished.

"Or.." She continued. "Maybe a sliver to match those bright blue eyes of hers" she said. The gypsy lady suddenly picked up a small pale blue velvet box and handed it to the highly confused blonde.

"Here, this will suit Winry perfectly" she said, smiling a toothless grin. Edward took the box slowly, keeping his gaze on the old lady.

Edward opened up the box and found the most beautiful piece of jewellery he had ever seen in his life.

The ring was a balanced swirl of gold and silver, swirling around itself to create a small band. But nestled with the swirls were bright blue diamonds, small and large with every shade of blue Ed could imagine. There were diamonds as bright as the sky, and as deep blue as the ocean. And right in the middle was the gorgeous shade of Winrys blue eyes. This ring was perfect. Absolutely everything Edward was hoping to find and even more.

Edward held the little box in his hand, mesmerised by the braid of gold, silver and blue.

"Th- this is perfect!" Ed exclaimed. The blonde brought out a hand full of cash and held it out to the old lady. "Is this enough?" He asked

The gypsy lady shook her head and pushed the money away. "For you" she smiled, taking Edwards hands and closing them around the box.

Edward shook his head. "no way I could never take this for nothing. Everything has a price, I can't just take this and not give something in return." Edward exclaimed his famous equivalent exchange.

The gypsy lady chuckled and looked Edward in the eyes. "You have already gave me more then I could ever give young alchemist" she said. Edward looked at the lady in confusion. Until Alphonse's loud voice echoed around the market.

"Brother, were are you!" He called.

Edward sighed. "Al I'm over here!" He replied.

Edward turned back to the gypsy lady to argue back, but...

She was gone.

The store, her table and all her fine jewellery was gone. As if it had never existed. But Edward was left standing with the small blue box in his hands.

"Brother I was looking everywhere for you" Alphonse huffed, finally catching up with his brother.

Edward was frozen in disbelief and confusion. What had just happened?

"Alphonse, did you see that!? The store and the old gypsy lady!? She was here and now s-she's not!" Edward rushed, flinging his arms around like a mad man, which is exactly what Al was thinking.

"Ah Ed are you okay?" Alphonse asked slowly, eyeing the crazy blonde.

Edward tried to explain himself but the more he talked, the more crazy he sounded.

Eventually Alphonse lead Edward to the vehicle and drove home. The whole day had blown up Edwards mind.

"So show us the ring anyway, or did that disappear too?" Alphonse teased.

Edward scowled but showed him the ring, which had surprisingly stayed with Ed. Alphonse lived it as much as Edward had, and they both agreed it would be beautiful on Winry. But the one event of today that had puzzled Edward the most was what the gypsy lady had said, about Edward helping her.

I guess Edward really had no idea how many lives he had touched in his short life.       

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