over-protective parenting

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"PANCAKES!" was what Edward and Winry woke up to the next morning.

Edward groaned and rolled over to face Win. Her sleepy eyes slowly opened up, and she smiled.

"looks like Alphonse is cooking breakfast" she said in a sleepy voice. Edward chuckled softly. "can he even cook?' he joked.

"i guess well find out" Win said.

They both rolled out of bed, Winry walked over to Ethans cott and lifted the happy little babby into her arms. "Ill clean Ethan up and meet you down there Ed" she said. Edward pulled some sweat pants on and gave Win a nod.

He sat down at the table, watching Al prance around the kitchen with plates of what Ed assumed to be food. Al placed a plate in front of Edward. "it took me 3 hours, but heres breakfast" he announced proudly.

Edward poked at the pancakes with his fork. "it uh looks great Al" Edward tried to say. but in all honesty, Dens dog food looked better then this. But as the gracious brother he is, he downed down forkfulls of the crap, just to make Al happy.

Winry soon came down with Ethan, placing a kiss of Edwards head. "Mornng Alphonse" she said.

"Morning Win, ready for breakfast?" he said with a smile. Winry looked down at the plate and frowned. "Uh Alphonse?"

"Yea Winry"

"You know your supposed to uhh.. cook pancakes, right?" she questioned.

Alphonse gave Winry a blank stare. "oh" he said


"well... Edward likes them dont you Ed?' he asked hopefully.

Edward froze. he didnt want to hurt Al's feelings. But they were terrible.

"Of course i do" He managed a smile, which Alphonse returned. Winry giggled.

"Well Ed if you like them so much, you can have mine" she said with a sly grin, pushing her plate towards Edward. The Blond glared at Winry, but reluctantly took the plate.

"So anyway Ed, i think we should take Ethan to the park for a picnic today" she said cheerfuly, bottle feeding Ethan in her hands.

Edward pondered the idea. "Yea why not." he smiled.

"Ohh can i come?" Alphonse pleeded. He always enjoyed the park, even if Edward didnt play too nice with the other children. Edward would always stick up for Al when the other kids picked on him.

"Yea sure Al, but you gotta do the dishes first" Winry laughed.

"Awww man" Alphonse complained.


They arrived at the park, the sun was shining and there were many kids here today. Edward was in full defence mode, making sure to keep an eye out for anyone who gave Ethan a hard time.

"Ill go take Ethan into the sand pit, You two go find a nice spot to eat lunch" Winry said as she took Ethan into the sand pit. she sat down with him and watched the little boy play around.

"Hmmm theres a lot of older kids here" Edward told Al with a worried tone.

"Relax Ed, Ethan will be fine." Al reasured the worring Blond. He laid the blanket down and got stuck into some sandwiches. Edward sat down to, but didnt take his eye away from Ethan. Edward knew all too well how crule kids could be.

"Isnt he a cutie" Edward turned around to find two mothers pointing to Ethan.

"He sure is, thats my son over there" Edward exclaimed proudly.

"Oh hes so gourgous, your a lucky guy" the Mother said to Ed. Edward smiled to himself proudly, causing  Alphonse to leaned over and hit him in the shoulder.

"Oww what was that for?" he asked.

"Stop looking so cocky brother" Al whispered. Ed just shrugged him off. he was aloud to be. it was his kid after all.

After a while Winry walked over and sat down to eat with Al and Ed. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Ethan was building sand castles. and  just as Edward was calming down...


Edward turned around just in time to see 3 boys pushing Ethan into the sand, causing Ethan to cry. Edward was furious. he jumped up and ran over to the laughing boys.

"Oi why dont ya pick on someone your own size jerk!' Edward yelled. the 3 boys ran off in an instant, and Ed picked Ethan up out of the sand and brushed the sand out of his light blond hair.

"Your okay now Buddy, i wont let those little misfits lay one finger on you, you got that?" Edward said. Ethan rubbed the tears from his eyes and nodded his little head. Ed smiled knowing he could protect him.

"Edward what happened?" Winry asked in shock, pulling Ethan into her arms.

"Just teaching these little punks who's boss" Edward exclaimed. Alphonse laughed.

"Gosh Ed, i guess you'd be used to the whole pipsqueak thing" Winry stated.

Edward just mumbled a 'whatever' and took Ethan to the blanket for lunch.

They all sat around for a while, talking about random topics as theyy watched Ethan play with Edwards Automale leg. Which is something he did a lot.

"Hey Ethan seems to really like your Automale Winry" Alphonse stated.

"Yea i find him playing with all my tools too" she said curiously.

Edward moaned. "Oh great, another Automale freak in the family, as if one wasnt enough" he complained.

Winry frowned. "Better then a stubborn Alchemy geek" she retaleated. Ethan laughed, as if he knew what Winry had just said. Edward facepalmed and both Alphonse and Winry started laughed. It truly was a funny thought, the Fullmetal Alchemists first born son turns out to be more interested in Automale than Alchemy. in a way, Edward was releaved. Annoyed, but releaved.

After a few pushes of Ethan on the swing, they headed home for dinner. Ethan was so tired from the days events that he feel fast asleep on the way home, snuggled in Winrys lap.

"So any plans for the wedding yet?' Alphonse questioned. Edward sighed in frustration.

"No Al not yet, we have only been engaged for a day though" Edward stated.

"Thats 24 hours too long brother" Alphonse replyed.

suddenly, Ethan woke in a fit of coughs and cries. Winry held him in shock. "What happened Win? is he okai?" Edward asked.

Winry placed her hand on Ethans forehead. he was burning up. "He's so hot. i think we should call a doctor Ed" Winry said in a worried tone. she tried her best to calm Ethan down, but nothing seemed to help. Al looked at Ed. "Maybe its just a fever" he said hopefully. Edward agreed, but deep down he could feel it was something much worse then that. and Edward couldnt stand to think that.

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