Sick of it all

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Unfortunately, Ethans cough had only gotten worse by the time they arrived home. Winry ran straight to the phone in a panic, leaving Edward to cradle Ethan. Ed looked down at his little son, worried near to death for him. He tried lying him down, holding him up, swinging him back and forth. but nothing would help him. Winry came back into the lounge room.

"Doctor Marco is on his way" Winry breathed. Edward walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"Dont panic Win, im sure its just a flu or something" Ed suggested. He knew it wasnt that at all, but there was no use in Winry freaking out. Right now, Ethan needed them more then ever. And Edward was determined to help his family.     

Winry took Ethan into her arms and looked down at him in worry and confusion.  Suddenly there was a nock at the front door. Alphonse got up and hurried to the door, opening it and ushering doctor Marco inside.

"So what seems to be the trouble Fullmetal?" Marco asked, adjusting his glasses and peering into Edwards eyes.

"Im not too sure really, we were just driving home from the park and... Ethan started coughing his lungs out" Edward said, looking down at Ethan glumly.

Marco took out his equipment and started examining the baby, checking his heart beat, pulse, tempreture ect. Winry held onto Ed tightly as he tried to comfort her. Edward tried to keep calm, working out rational explenations in his head and convincing himself it was just a cold or a flu, and that was all.

Marco lifted his head up and frowned. "It seems like a case of Pertussis to me im afraide." He said glumly.

Winry and Edward looked at each other in cofussion. "uh whats that?" Ed asked.

"its Whooping cough" Pinako answered, standing in the arch of the doorway.

Winrys face dropped. she turned to Dr Marco hoping for answers. "H-how do we treat it? will Ethan be okay?" she asked, feeling tears spring to her eyes.

"With some doses of antibiotics and rest Ethan should recover, it may take some time though, and theres always a chance it could get worse" Marco said.

"A child as young as Ethan this disease can be rather deadly im affraid. Please be prepaired for hospitilization if it comes to that" Marco said, pushing his glasses up slightly and gathering his equipment.

Edward took Ethan into his arms as Winry took some medication from Marco. The Elrics thanked him for his services and that was that. Winry sat down on the sofa and stared blankly of into space. Edward had no idea what to do. Looking down at his son, watching his chest rise with each cough, Edward once again was useless.

"Dont stress Winry dear. Why Alphonse had a case of whooping cough when he was Ethans age and he pulled through fine" Granny Pinako said, patting Alphonse of the back. "Oh really?" Al asked. Edward gave Winry a reasurring smile.

"See Win, Al had the same thing, Ethan will be fine im sure of it" Edward said as he gave winry a hug. Winry just nodded her head and held Ethan tight in her arms. "I should put Ethan to bed" Winry sighed, taking the little baby up the staircase. Edward watched her leave, knowing she would stay up there with him.

Edward rubbed his eyes in frustration and headed out the front door. the cold breeze hit Ed like a tight hug, leading him down the drive way and further up the road. his frustration, anger and sadness murged into blankness. just emotionless voide deep in his soul. Edward kept walking on until he reached the local cemetery. Walking through the old gothic rusted gates and through the many gravestones of loved ones in the moonlight was calming for Ed. He felt comfort from the lost souls who danced around him. Ed sat down in front of his parents grave stones. thoughts skatered in his head, creating just a mess of nothing.

powerless and alone, Edward looked up at the night sky in disbelief. Hundreds of thousands of millions of starts littered the night sky. Edward felt insignificant, small and useless once again. Ed rolled onto his side and glanced at his mother and fathers grave stone and wished.

He wished his parents were here now to tell him what he should do, what Ed needed to do. He needed guideance and support in a situation which he was so unfamiliar with.

most of all he needed to know he wasnt alone.

I do -FMF mini story-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن