The Wedding Planer

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Edward sat at the old oak dinner table, Ethan gurgling on his lap and Alphonse writing lists apon lists of wedding planing notes. Now Edward wasn't a very organised man. Nor did he have any idea how to plan a children's birthday party, let alone a wedding. The blondes stress levels where higher than his finances. He knew this was going to be a long day.

"We should start with booking a venue." Alphonse stated, looking up at Edward.

Ed sighed and scratched his chin in thought. "How about the old church in town? That's where Mum and Dad were married" Ed said as he stroked Ethans hair.

"Yea thats right, and Granny Pinako is a good friend of the Pastors so we might get it cheaper." Al stated, making a note on his notepad.

"Why isnt Winry here helping me do this?" Edward complained. Winry and Pinako left an hour ago to shop for the wedding dress. leaving Ed to plan the nitty gritty things.

"Aren't I doing a good job?" Alphonse asked giving his older brother the sad puppy eyes.

Ed laughed at Al and shook his head. "Oh come off it Al you begged Nan to go with them to dress shop" He said, leaving Alphonse without a comeback. "I like pretty things" he said defensively.

Edward just rolled his eyes and went back to the long never ending list of wedding notes. Who knew this could be so...bothersome.

"Alright should we make an appointment with the florist next?" Ed said. "No Winry is taking care of that today." Said Al. Edward gave a nod and moved on to the next task. The guest list.

"Well we definitely need to invite Mustang and Hawkeye." Ed put them on the list.

"And Mei" Al added, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Dont forget Ling and Lan Fan" Edward added.

"And Everyone from the Military" Al said.

Edward ran his hand through his disheveled hair. "Man this is going to be a large wedding." He sighed.

Al frowned. "Maybe we should keep it to close family and friends." He stated. Ed hated to leave out all his friends. He considered everyone his family. Everyone who helped him throughout his life, the good and the bad. But he knew he couldn't include everyone.

"Alright lets slim it down a little then." Edward decided. and after a long hour of tough decision making, they finally had a list. Which narrowed down too:

Granny Pinako

Roy Mustang

Riza Hawkeye

Mei Chang

Lan Fan

Ling Yao

Alex Louis Armstrong

Gracia Hughes and her daughter Elicia

Izumi and Sig Curtis

2nd Lieutenant Heymans Breda

2nd Lieutenant Jean Havoc

2nd Lieutenant Maria Ross

Master Sergeant Kain Fuery

Sergeant Denny Brosh


And there Respective partners.

"Alright well that's a pretty good list." Al exclaimed, leaning back in his seat. Edward agreed with a sigh. Suddenly, Alphonse sat upright in his seat, waving his arm around and apparently freaking out.

"Edward oh my god how did we forget!?" He exclaimed, face palming.

Edward shot his younger brother a confused look "Forget what?" He asked.

Alphonse sighed loudly. "Your best man. Who are you going to choose?" He asked.

Edward closed his eyes, an annoyed expression plastered on his face. "You obviously" He exclaimed.

Alphonse smiled proudly, he pretty much knew it would be him but he enjoyed hearing Ed say it anyway.

"Who else though? You need two I believe" Said Al. Edwards face contorted in thought. Pondering who should fill the second place.

"I suppose it should be Roy, if he wants to that is" said Edward. it was only fitting, who else but the one man who meant the most to the former Alchemist. He was like Edwards mentor. He couldn't think of anyone else.

"You should send him a letter and ask, Hes a busy man you know" Said Al.

Edward smirked and stated under his breath "Yea banging Hawkeye." Unfortunately Al had heard that remark, swatting the older brother with a rolled up newspaper. "Edward that's awful, your so immature you know that" Alphonse scolded.

Edward gave his younger brother a cheeky grin. 'Well you know its true" He said in his defense.

Al sighed and turned his gaze towards the window. "I hope Winry is doing a better job then us."


"Oh Pinako what about this one!? its so elegant" Winry exclaimed loudly as she held up a lacy white wedding gown. Granny Pinako trudged over to her grand daughter and sighed. They had been to numerous bridal stores all day and Winry still couldn't choose a bloody dress. For such a tom boy she really was quite picky. But then again, so had her mother been.

"Winry darling we have been all over town can you just make up your bloody mind already?" Pinako exclaimed. The small women took the price tag in her hands and cringed at the four digit number written no the tag. Winry sighed and shook her head.

"I'm trying Granny I really am, but none of these dresses feel like me you know? they just don't feel special" she sighed, sitting down on the velvet stool in the store.

Pinako looked at Winry and shook her head. She knew this situation all too well. It felt to her as if only yesterday she was taking her very own daughter bridal shopping. With Winrys mother stating the very same thing. Granny Pinako knew there was only one solution.

"I shall make the dress then" she stated. Winrys eyes shot up at her Grandmothers, her offer to make her a wedding dress warming Winrys heart.

"Oh Pinako I cant ask that of you. Would you really do that for me?" she asked, Her face lighting up.

"It will be your Wedding gift" Granny Pinako said bluntly. Winry jumped up from the stool and engulfed her Grandmother in a hug, almost crying with delight.

"Oh Pinako thank you, thank you so much I love you so much thank you!" The Blond exclaimed with pure delight, ecstatic at the thought of having her very own dress. Made only for her.

Pinako patted the excited girl on the shoulder. 'Yes well your mother was just as fussy as you, so I had to make her a dress as well." She exclaimed. They both headed out of the stuffy bridal store, giving the receptionist a curt nod. Winry could hardly contain herself. Her very own wedding dress...

"Alrighty then, off to the fabric store it is then."

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