a note from me to you

697 41 17

"It's just that sometimes, we just sit here and be damned wondering what our place is in the cosmos."

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A conversation between two friends in the middle of the night leads into something more.

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new storyaasdahsfjgkl

i just changed my a/note btw bc i thought that the last one was like a pre-teen trying too hard to impress with gifs, lenny faces and awkward one-liners. (story of my life tho, nah jk)

anyway, yeah, hope you enjoy this lil bundle of words written in six chapters about space, aliens, puns, sorta-like-TFIOS, and two teens going through existential crises both only at the tender age of seventeen. also, aesthetic to please tumblr, y'know?

i'm sorry but this new a/note is still crap btw, (cuz spelling and grammar is cringe), which still made no difference. (goodjobcxsmic)

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