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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not (so) sure about the universe."

- Albert Einstein

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"So what brings you to my evening sentimental sessions? Hm?" Their gazes matched for what was like the hundredth time and he still wasn't used to it.

"Uh, nothing, I just . . . figured that you'd be here."

Artemis nodded, accepting his vague response.

"You know me too well."

"That's what best friends are for."

Orion lived a few houses down Artemis' and he would come by her place every once in a while. Normally, they would hang out at his own backyard but certain circumstances were brought upon Orion's household lately that made him prevent Artemis to visit them. Artemis does not press on any matter that doesn't concern her, even if it was her best friend's. She respected him and he admired that.

"Well, you see Mom's glued to a screen of Kardashians and dad's locked up in his study which makes it only natural for me to get bored out of my brains inside my room."

"And you think visiting me serves as some sort of entertainment to you?"

"Indeed," he answered smoothly without even stopping for a thought. "I always find it worthwhile when I'm with you."

Artemis tried to ignore his words. "You're so sappy, even the 70's can't catch up with you."

He laughed at that, his brown woody eyes crinkling in delight. Artemis noticed it and looked away in haste. She was not going to do anything stupid, no. Not now. She was not opt to the probability of her jeopardising the bond she painstakingly formed with him over the years.

"But hey, I didn't hear you complain the first time I sweet-talked you," he said, raising his eyebrow suggestively.

Artemis put her hand on her chin, their first meeting replaying suddenly in her mind. They met during fourth grade, English class. Orion was a new student and he was probably the shyest boy little Artemis had ever met. Ms. Williams was teaching Greek Mythology back then and was up to the idea of working in pairs. To this day, Artemis still couldn't guess if her teacher purposefully partnered the outspoken Artemis with the bashful Orion for the project, and not just because of their names' sake. Artemis can't deny it though, something did click between them.

Platonically or not.

They were supposed to make a story regarding two gods or mythological creature/figure of their choosing. Artemis was so keen on making a story about Zeus and Athena as she spontaneously spewed her ideas right at the frightened Orion. But little Orion was not afraid to speak his mind given the chances, which led Artemis to lend an ear to someone for the first time. Even if that someone was who she just met.

"Why don't we just make a love story about Artemis and Orion?"


"Before he was killed, I'm pretty sure Artemis felt something about him."


"We can make their story a happy ending, right? A happy ever after?"


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