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"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

- Sarah Williams

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"Okay. . ." Orion started, but nothing left his mouth. He was speechless, a blank line was only drawn in his head. Other than that, words could not form to save him from . . . whatever this was. He really wasn't used to talking with Artemis at such a deep level. Both of them had their moments, but wouldn't necessarily come like this one.

She first cut the unbearable silence.

"Tell me a joke, Orion."

Orion had to nudge his ear, in case he misheard something. "A what?"

"Tell me a joke, silly. Is that too hard to ask nowadays? People are too serious at this time of the generation and I would rather not be included in that crowd. So tell me a joke . . . please."

Artemis was a stubborn one. Although she wouldn't normally acknowledge it, Orion could see right through her at certain times. She would always get what she wants, even if she had to exert enough effort to do so. She wasn't spoiled, no. Often, the things that she wishes to have or do comes with a valid reason that benefited not only her, but others around her as well. Selfless . . . that was what she was.

And that was just one of the things that Orion liked about her.

"Okay, okay, Jesus, I will," he answered in slight reluctance, catching her adamant look. Mr. Huntsman wasn't born with a natural sense of humour per se, when the hilarity comes, he says it. However, at this time of the night, and his current state of mind, nothing really laugh-worthy had come.

But he gave it a shot nevertheless. "Okay, uh, what is the currency they use in outer space?"

Artemis rose an eyebrow, for a second, her interest piqued.


Her expression changed too suddenly. "Original."

"Oh come on, cut me some slack, I'm trying here. Comet me, bro."

She gasped. "You did not just pun me twice."

"Oh, yes I just did. It was a pretty stellar joke, ain't it?"

"Jesus Christ."

They both then erupted into a trail of rambunctious laughs and snickers, like it was the most natural thing they could do. It was true that Orion didn't have a funny bone, but he definitely was a fan of puns. For Artemis, no matter how undeniably cheesy it could be, and no matter what situation they were in, this was his form of entertainment. It was Orion's magic trick in a hat.

"No, no, just stop it," she managed to let out between laughter.

"But Artemis! Puns are like, one of the greatest creations ever known to man!"

"Mhm, tell that to Mr. Rickman. I'm pretty sure he appreciated the jokes written at the bottom of your English report."

He scoffed. "He needed them, the poor guy's stressed as a teacher. I'm just here lightening up his day." His face suddenly turned sour, like freshly squeezed lemon was poured unwillingly inside his mouth. "But what I didn't need was a C+."

"See? That's what you get for not being funny -- and not prioritizing your homework." Artemis chastised jokingly, pulling back a smile.

"Oh, shut up." Orion groaned, pursing his lips in annoyance.

She released another guffaw that she had been holding in, pinching Orion in the cheek. "You may not be the most amusing person in the world, but it is always worth it to tease you."

"And why do I get the feeling that you will never stop?"

"'Cause it's true. I won't stop. Never, ever, ever, ever. I'll do it until infinity, if I have to. And as sappy as it sounds, I actually treasure our friendship more than food." She laughed at that, and Orion did as well. What could possibly be more important than food? Apparently for the Greek Goddess wannabe, it was her trusty companion.

Orion let himself think the situation that he found himself in and also about the situation after that. He wandered his vision to the setting he was in the centre of. Infinity, huh? He thought. It was all somehow clear to him.

"Is this some kind of The Fault In Our Stars bullshit?"

Artemis curled her lips and shook her head. "Well, lucky for us, we won't have death wishes to preach anytime soon."

Orion forced a smile, and gave a strained laugh.

She didn't seem to notice.

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