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"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."

- Unknown

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"I-I'm leaving," he announced.





In his mind, Orion wanted to strangle himself on the spot. The sudden look on his best friend's face was too much for him to bear. One moment they were teasing each other to their heart's content, and the next it dramatically turned to a downward fall. He watched silently as Artemis' posture turned rigid and uneasy.

Although, he noticed that her reaction was conveying something else. "That's a funny joke, Ori." Strained laugh. "Funnier than -- and I admit -- your puns."

He pursed his lips thinly. "I'm not kidding."

They both knew that. It was just that Artemis had a hard time registering it.

"I'm leaving . . . that's why I came here to tell you."


At that single word, he took notice of her voice suddenly cracking. Somehow, despite the way Artemis was hearing the news so openly, he still continued further. It was like there wasn't a single thought in his brain to stop and spare a glance at his best friend -- who was brave enough to endure every bit of it.

"Yeah. That's what I've -- well, we've been doing for the past few months. We were packing. I'm moving to the other side of the planet. My dad got a job and he'll be taking us with him . . . I'll be gone in a few days."

Orion knew in the bottom of his heart that his best friend possessed this strong and confident character that he oh so admired. However, underneath that deceivable façade he knew that she actually was just as fragile as a flower. It seemed as if he plucked her petals -- her emotions -- one by one and stomped it mercilessly on the ground. She was a damsel in distress -- not a hero that he very much once adored. Her heart was made of glass, and it was clear to him that it was slowly breaking into shards. It made him realize that she was hurting. She was in pain.

So, why wasn't he stopping?

Every word that escaped his mouth was like a knife piercing through Artemis' body, slowly slicing her flesh. Disbelief, confusion, anger, and sadness, these were the emotions she felt alternating from one to the other. It was just supposed to be another night of Orion and she, enjoying each other's company and wondering what lied beyond the far depths of their solar system. She didn't at all expect this -- her only friend, leaving her for good. She was utterly distraught.

He wasn't leaving to another neighbourhood, nor at least, another city or state. Hell, it was a country. A country. Thousands of miles away from where she stood.

Keeping a straight face, she managed to force back the tears that slowly started to form by the corner of her eyes. "You'll be fine," she managed to say. And with a weak heart, she whispered, "I-I'll be fine."

Silence engulfed them. A wordless conversation in their heads -- in their thoughts. They were left to succumb the feelings that haunted them.

Haunted her.

When she knew she cannot handle it any longer, the tears fell down violently. She wasn't at all prepared. Orion was dear to her just as she was to him.

With Orion being the timid type, this attracted a lot of unwanted attention during their younger years. He was bullied. He was made fun of. He was secluded. This was all just because he couldn't stand up for himself and act how boys like him should be. He cried. He skipped his meals. He would even be scared to go to school. He was afraid to make friends. He was all alone.

But all that disappeared if it wasn't for a daring and feisty nine year old he met at his English class in fourth grade. His whole life changed because of her as she continued to stay with him ever since that day. Her friendship earned him the opportunity to open up more. He was finally able to be himself because of her. She was his knight in shining armour.

And they say chivalry is dead.

For Artemis, she found a friend that was the opposite of all she was. Her brash and outgoing nature was often a repellent for girls her age because they thought she was annoying and "loud". And when she had the sudden obsession with astronomy and the God awful truth of reality, she gained the title of being too nerdy, philosophical and even crazy.

But all that was embraced dearly by one person. And one person only.

She saved him and he saved her.

It was as simple as that.

"And you couldn't tell me sooner? Why, Orion? Why?!"

Artemis felt warm touches wipe away the falling tears. "Stop crying . . . please."

"We've been best friends for years and you still couldn't find the strength to tell me this? I've trusted my whole life to you! I told you about my secrets, insecurities, everything! I bet your girlfriend knew this before I ever did! Am I right?!"

By this point, Orion just spoke up. Call him selfish, sure, but Artemis was not the only one hurting.

"Look, Artemis. It's not only you, okay? I'm at fault here too, who knows what awaits for me at the other side of the planet?! At least I was brave enough to tell you in the first place!"

Artemis with all the energy she had in herself tried to calm down and listen. Listen to him. Listen to his thoughts. Listen to his words. It was someone she trusted her life with after all and she was not going to make a fool of herself.

Not anymore.

But Orion on the other hand, he just cracked.

"And for your information, Emily broke up with me not too long ago. It just so happened I found out that she was cheating on me with a guy who's better at everything and actually got his shit together. There, okay?! You happy?!"

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