first day

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hi my name is Lexi, i'm 17 years old and i'm starting my first day of senior year. I have black hair, and blue eyes. My best friends name is Ally and we've been friends since kindergarten. I have a step brother named Liam who is also 17 and a senior this year. My parents are divorced. My dad went to jail for beating my mom and me. My mom is now happily married to my stepdad Mikey, and i'm honestly super happy for her.

"Get up Lexi were going to be late" Liam said hitting me with my pillow

"noooo just 5 more minutes" i mumbled

"you said that 15 minutes ago" Liam cired

"fine i'm getting up" i said pushing my blankets off me and getting out of bed.

I took a quick shower, i blow dried and straitened my hair. I went over to my vanity and did my makeup, i don't use a lot of makeup just some mascara and a little bit of eyeliner. Then i went over to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. i decided on a maroon over sized sweater from pink, black leggings, and my maroon vans. After i got done getting ready i went downstairs and waited for it to be time to go.


At school i met my best friend Ally in the parking lot

"omg i heard there was a super hot new English teacher" she basically screamed in my ear

"he can't be that cute Ally, you're just boy crazy" i said laughing

Me and Ally had all of our classes together, which is awesome. Our fourth period is English, and Ally is freaking out about the new teacher, and what she thinks he will look like. We walked into the English room and i saw a really hot guy with brown hair, he looked like he was probably 18, and i've never seen him before.

I sat down in a seat next to Ally and we started talking about the hot new student. The bell rang and the boy walked up to the front of the room and started talking. "Hello class, i am Mr.Dallas your English teacher" he said. i immediately started freaking out

"holy crap Ally he is a babe" i whisper yelled to Ally

"omg i know right" she said smiling

"he looks like he's only 18, how can he be a teacher don't you have to be old to do that" i asked

"no you do not and i'm 21 not 18" a deep voice said. i looked up and i saw Mr.Dallas standing in front of my desk. i turned bright red "now are you Lexi Johnson" he asked

"ye-yes" i said

"well Lexi i said your name 3 times, pay attention in class missy" he said sending out a cheesy smirk. Then he walked back to the front of the room.

"what the hell" Ally whisper yelled

"i dont know" i said my face still bright red.

After class i was walking to the door and an arm grabbed me. It was Mr.Dallas. "Lexi, do you have a problem with paying attention in class when you're in the back with your with your friend, do i need to move you to the front of the class"

"i mean then i can be closer to your gorgeous face" i thought

"what?" he asked confused

"wait did i say that out loud, i meant uhh no" i said turning bright red and turning around to leave

Mr.Dallas grabbed my arm again and spun me around "don't be embarrassed i am kind of sexy" he said smirking making me blush even more.

"shut up Mr.Dallas" i said hitting his arm

"ooh fiesty, two hours detention after school for talking back and hitting a teacher" he said with a big smirk on his face

"no, you can't give me detention, you're being annoying" i said sticking out my tongue at him

"do i need to make it 3" he asked laughing

"no" i said pouting

"okay see you after school then, 2 hours" he said winking

"whatever" i yelled back at him on my way out of the room.

"he came out to the room "wait do you need a pass" he yelled at me

i turned and glared at him "no" i yelled "i don't care if i'm late"

"that will just give you another hour of detention" he said

"whatever i already have 2 whats 1 more hour gonna hurt" i said turning around and walking to my next class. i heard him laughing behind me "dick" i mumbled and went to math.


*after school*

i walked into Mr.Dallas's room and of course i was the only one there, who gets detention on the first freaking day.

"good afternoon missy" Mr.Dallas said smiling

"not very good" i spat back

"ooh yes it is you get to spend time with me" he said laughing

"whatever" i said

i had nothing to do since it was the first day and i had no homework. I decided i would take a nap. About an hour later i woke up hoping it would be time to go but i still had 2 hours. damn.

"So, Lexi, hows detention" he said giving me an evil smirk

"boring" i said

"want me to make it interesting" he said winking

"gross" i mumbled. He walked over with a big smirk on his face, "what" i said

"oh nothing just wanted to sit here" he said sitting in the desk next to me

"whatever" i said

"come on we have 2 hours lets play a game or something, like 20 questions?" he said

"fine" i said

"so do you have a boyfriend" he asked as his first question

"no boys are gross and immature" i said wondering why he would ask that

"i'm not" he said showing off his beautiful smile

"ooh is Mr.Dallas flirting" i said jokingly

"now that would be bad, wouldn't it Lexi" he said smirking

"maybe i like bad" i said smirking and turning to face him to tease him

"oh really now?" he said leaning in a little closer

"no" i said bluntly turning back to the front of the room

"fucking tease" he mumbled getting up and going back to his desk

About 5 minutes later i got up out of my desk and walked up to the front of the room. i sat on his desk in front of him and spread my legs a little bit. I watched him shift uncomfortably as he looked at me then my lips then my body again "ya know maybe i do like a little bad" i said getting up and sitting on his lap.

I started grinding my hips against him until i felt his hard on. Then i kissed his cheek, got up and started to walk back to my desk again. "damn it you can't tease me like that" he said coming up behind me and shoving me against the wall. He pressed his lips against mine and started kissing me, our kiss turned into about a 40 minute make out session until i parted.

"Well damn Mr.Dallas i didn't think you had that in you" i said moving away from him to get my stuff from my desk

"where are you going" he said almost out of breath

"detentions over silly" i said kissing his cheek and leaving the room. damn i love detention.

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now