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It's Saturday morning and i have to go to walmart to pick up something for my mom. While i was in the bread section i ran into Mr.Dallas "well hello sexy" he said hugging me from behind

"hi Cammy" i said kissing him

"ooh Cammy? i like it" he said when we parted

"so what are you doing here alone, someone could come take you, like im going to" he said smiling

"maybe i want someone like you to" i said laughing

"then i guess i'm taking you to my house" he said smiling

"sounds good to me, i can get this stuff later" i said walking with Cameron to the check out to check out his stuff. I texted my mom and told her i ran into Ally and i would get the stuff later. We got in Cameron's truck and drove to his house, his house was actually really nice and it was big. I helped him put away his stuff then we sat on the couch

"so Cammy why did you wanna kidnap me and take me here" i asked smiling

"i just wanted to spend time with a beautiful lady" he said wrapping his arms around me

We cuddled and talked for hours until my mom texted me and told me she needed the stuff. Cameron brought me back to walmart and helped me shop for the stuff i needed. Cameron decided he wanted to cook me a romantic dinner at his house so when i went home in my car he followed me so he could bring me back to his house. When i got home i ran the stuff into the house and told her i was going to Allys for a little bit. Right before i was about to leave she noticed the truck on the side of the street so she stopped me

"wait honey, whose truck is that?" she asked

"oh um Allys dad got a new truck he said he would pick me up" i lied

"okay sweetie be safe i love you" she said kissing my cheek

"love you too" i said running out to Camerons truck.

When we got to Camerons house he told me i had to go in the living room cause i couldn't know what he was making. About an hour later i walked into the kitchen and it was a mess

"i said you can't come in yet" he said pushing me out of the kitchen giving me a quick peck on the lips.

finally 10 minutes later he told me to come into the kitchen. I walked into the dining room and there was candles all over and flowers in the middle of the table. He had made lasagna (my favorite)

"aww cam so romantic" i said hugging him

"i try my best" he said winking and giving me a kiss on the cheek


after dinner we layed on the couch and watched movies. At around 1 am i was getting tired and asked him to bring me home "why don't you spend the night" he asked smiling

"okay" i said kissing him. We went up to his room and layed down in bed and talked

"don't you think its weird that you're seeing a student" i asked

"no, at first i never thought i would, but i really like you. It's not weird at all" he said kissing my cheek

"what if we get caught" i said playing with his hair

"we won't hun i promise" he said kissing my cheek

"if we do would you lose your job" i asked

"babe don't worry about it i promise you we won't get caught and i won't lose my job" he said squeezing me tighter

"okay babe" i said shoving my head into his chest

"and anyways you'll be 18 in a month and after this school year we don't have to hide our relationship" he said kissing my cheek "speaking of relationship, i know we've only known each other four days and it's kind of soon, but will you be my girlfriend?" he asked

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now