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*skip through 1st semester* *skip school* (a/n i know i skipped ahead a lot but i want school to get over with so they can continue their life and not have to sneak around)

I couldn't hang out with Cameron today after school because it's Thursday and every Thursday teachers have meetings after school. I got home and Liam was sitting on the couch

"how was school" i ask putting my backpack on the floor next to the door

"good, how about you" he asks

"good" i say smiling remembering what happened at lunch today with Cameron.

"so how's Mr.Dallas" he asks laughing

"hush, and he's good" i say smiling

"why the teacher, you can have anyone and you choose to date your teacher" he says

"shut up" i say annoyed and go up to my room

So it's mine and Cameron's 4 month anniversary tomorrow. I can't believe that we haven't got caught at all this whole first semester. No one else knows we are dating except for Ally, Liam, and Cameron's sister Sierra. He wasn't going to tell her but since my brother knows and they tell each other everything i told him he could tell her. Me and Cameron's relationship is getting pretty serious. We're already talking about getting a place when i get out of high school and he is going to continue to teach at the school. I am going to go to college to be a school teacher too I'm not sure what grade yet but i'm thinking 11th grade Chemistry.

I love Cameron and i want to spend the rest of my life with him. He has told me he loves me, he did on our 2 month anniversary.

Cameron is coming over after his meetings. Since my brother knows about us it's not weird for him to be there while Cameron is. And my mom and dad are out of town for another business trip. They have them all the time. Which is kind of annoying but nice cause when they are gone Cameron gets to come over.


babe are your meetings almost over, i'm lonely ):


yes, i have one more and i'll come over right after


okay hurry babe, i need your lips


okay i'll try, i love you <3


i love you too babe <3 be safe on the way here (:

About an hour later Cameron arrived at my house

"i missed youuuu" i yelled jumping into his arms

"i missed you too babe" he said kissing me

"i can't believe tomorrow will be our 4 month anniversary" i said smiling

"i know, i didn't think we could go this long without being caught" he said kissing my cheek

"me either, now lets go get some pizza im hungryyyy" i said laughing pulling him out the door making Cameron laugh

We got to the pizza place and we ordered a Hawaiian pizza to go and we brought it home to eat. After we ate. We showered together then we went to bed cuddling.


next morning

I woke up in the morning wrapped in Cameron's arms

"happy anniversary sweetie" he said kissing my cheek

"happy anniversary Cammy" i say smiling

I tried getting out of bed but Cameron wouldn't let go "Cameron i have to get up, so do you" i say trying to push out of his grip

"why can't we just stay in bed all day and cuddle" he asks pulling me closer to him.

"because i have that big english test today, remember, you're the one who gave it to me. Now let me up" i say finally getting out of his arms.

"damn it why did i have to give you that test" he said getting up kissing me and going into the bathroom.


*after school*

I went to Cameron's room since we were going to go out for our anniversary. He dropped me off at my house so i could get ready then he went home to get changed too.

Ally came over to help me get ready, I picked out a tight black dress that hugged my curves perfectly, i curled my hair and wore a little bit of eyeliner, At around 6 Cameron texted me and told me he was coming over now.

"good luck" Ally said when Cameron came to the door

"well you look beautiful" he said looking me up and down

"you dont look too bad yourself, Dallas" i say smirking

"bye thank you for helping me get ready" i say giving Ally a hug

"your welcome, call me and tell me everything" she told me laughing

"i will" i said shutting the door

We got in the car and started driving

"where are we going" i asked

"it's a surprise" he said with a big smirk on his face.

About 20 minutes later we stopped in the middle of no where. Cameron told me to put on a blindfold and i did as i was told, then he continued driving. About 5 minutes later we parked. Cameron picked me up bridal style and carried me and set me down a little bit later.

"you can take off your blindfold now" he said smiling.

I took it off and oh my gosh, it was beautiful. There was a little patio with a table set for two in the middle. There were twinkling lights all over in the trees.

"its beautiful" i say

"you're beautiful" he says making me blush

We sit down and we start eating, After dinner Cameron gets up from his chair and stands in front of me. He then gets down on one knee,

"Lexi, i've liked you ever since i layed eyes on you, you're beautiful, funny, sweet, cute, and everything i could ask for, Lexi Marie Johnson, will you marry me?" by the end i had tears in my eyes

"oh my gosh yes Cameron, yes" i say crying. He gets up off his knee and leans in and kisses me .

"i love you so much" he says kissing my cheek.

"i love you too" i say squeezing him tight

Tonight was perfect. Cameron was perfect.

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now