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The two weeks have finally past, I have visited Cameron everyday these past two weeks. Today is his court day and I'm on the way to his hearing right now. I got in and sat down and saw Cameron walk in and sit at the podium thing and then the judge came. The whole thing went through and it was time for the jury to decide if he was guilty or not guilty. One of the jury members walked up to the judge and gave him a slip of paper. I was so nervous what if he is guilty then I have to live the rest of my life without him and he has to spend it in jail because of me.

"the jury found the defendant............not guilty" the judge said "there will be 1 month probation"

"oh my gosh" Cameron yelled. I got up from my chair and jumped in his arms

"oh my gosh I love you so much" I said kissing him

"I love you too baby, now lets get out of here" he said. he did his paperwork and we left the jail. We went to his house to eat.

"babe I'm so happy you're here I don't know what I'd do without you" I said stirring the pasta noodles

"yeah I don't know what I would do in there, I'm such a sexy guy, they'd eat me alive in there" he said smirking

"shut up you dork" I said hitting his shoulder

"so what do you think your parents will do" he asked

"I don't know, probably try to get me to leave you, or to get you in trouble again" I said hugging him

"it's okay babh, they can't take me away from you again" he said kissing my forehead

"it's hope so" I said smiling.

After the food was done we ate then we went to the school to get Cameron's stuff. School was already out so the only one there was the principal. We walked in holding hands and he just looked at us "Mr.Dallas, Ms.Johnson" he said annoyed

I just started laughing "two more months until you can call her Mrs.Dallas" Cameron said laughing making him uncomfortable

we went to his old room and got his stuff then we left.

"I can't believe there is only two more months until our wedding" I said on the car ride home

"I know times going by so fast" he said

"are you excited" he asked

"of course I am baby, are you?" I said

"yas girl" he said in a girly voice and we both started laughing

"what are we doing for the honeymoon" I asked

"well I was going to ask you, Sierra has a beach house in Maui Hawaii and she said we could use it for as long as we like, so would you like to go to Maui for a month or so maybe" he said smiling

"oh my gosh babe I've always want to go there, of course I would." I said kissing his cheek

"okay we'll go June 15th then and leave anytime we want" he said smiling

"I can't wait" I said

When we got to his house it was getting late so we showered then went to bed

"goodnight honey I love you" Cameron said

"I love you too, goodnight"

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now