wedding day

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Today is our wedding day and I am so excited. There is an hour until the wedding and me and the girls are getting hair and makeup done and the guys are doing whatever they need to do

wedding time-

I'm super nervous but super excited. First the flower girl went down, then Sierra and my brother went down together, then Ally and Cameron's friend Nash. Then it was my turn to go. since my father wasn't here to bring me down, Cameron's dad brought me down the isle. I got down the Isle and Cameron had teats in her eyes making me start to cry

Cameron's pov
she was so beautiful, I can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful girl

back to Lexis pov
the priest started talking and read the vows.

"Cameron do you take Lexi to be your lawfully wedded wife" he asked

"I do" Cameron said putting the ring on ky finger making me smile

"Lexi do you take Cameron to be your lawfully wedded husband" the priest said

"I do" I said also putting the ring on Cameron's finger.

"you may now kiss the bride" the priest said and Cameron did just that. The crowd started cheering and clapping. I can't believe I am finally married to the man I love.

After the wedding was the reception. everyone was dancing and having a good time. Then we cut the cake and shoved it in each other's faces. Since there was no bachelor or Bachelorette party some friends brought gifts which was very sweet.

After the wedding reception me and Cameron went home to our house, we bought a new house together and it is gorgeous. We went up to our room and went straight to bed. Today was the best day of my life.

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now