officer please

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We woke up in the morning to banging on the door. Me and Cameron both went downstairs to see who it was. When we opened the door We saw two police men

"Cameron Dallas" the chubbier one said

"yes" Cameron said

"your under arrest for seeing and raping your former student Lexi Johnson" the officer said. I broke down

"officer there must be a mistake we never even had sex" Cameron said as the officer was putting on the handcuffs.

"well you can fight that in court" the officer said pulling him away. I started crying. I didn't know what to do. While that officer went away another one, a women stayed to ask me questions.

"honey are you okay" the officer said "did he hurt you in any way"

"of course I'm not okay you just took away my fucking fiance" I yelled

"calm down, did he force you to do anything" she said politely

"no he didn't we never even had sex before, he hasn't even seen me fucking naked" I said getting annoyed.

"no further questions, now get ready for school and go, if you don't go to school there will be bigger problems" she said smiling leaving his house.

I got ready and before school I decided to make a stop at my wonderful parents house. I walked in and my step dad was there "hello" he said glaring

"how could you report Cameron and get him arrested for rape. He hasn't done anything bad to me, honestly he's the best person I've ever met" I said starting to cry

"it's for you own good" he said

"how? I finally find I guy I'm happy with and want to spend the rest of my life with and you take him away from me" I said

"you'll find someone else, he's not good for you" he said

"whatever dick, I said the same thing to my mom but you're still married" I said slamming the door. Now off to school. fantastic.

I walked in and everybody was staring, I'm sure they saw that Cameron was arrested. Everyone was whispering when I walked by and I just wanted to go home to him but I couldnt. I got called down to the office.

"Hello ms.johnson I'm sorry to tell you that this Wednesday will be your last day attending school, you have been suspended, and Mr.Dallas has lost his job" the dumbass principal said

"whatever, he's in jail anyways and I don't want to be here without him" I said leaving the office quickly.

I got to fourth period English and there was a sub. She was tall and blond and she looked annoying. "Hello everyone I'm the sub for today since Mr.dallas is going through some issues right now" she said smiling

"yeah because he fucked Lexi all year" my fucking ex said. I got up from the desk and started walking toward the door

"where allow you going miss" the sub said

"home" I said flicking her off

I walked out of the school and to my car, the principal tried stopping me but I kept walking. I of course wasn't going to my house so I went to Cameron's. I saw that there were 2 police cars in the driveway. walked in and saw them searching

"uhh what are you doing" I asked

"we have the right to search to see if there are any signs of him hurting you" the same officer that arrested him said

"why can't you guys just fucking belive that he didn't do anything" I said getting annoyed

"because you could be covering up for him" the officer said to him

"whatever" I said leaving the house. I am so done with everyone. the only person I want to see right now is Cameron but he's in fucking jail. I drove to the jail so I could go visit him. The lady at the front desk seemed nice thankfully. I went up and asked to see Cameron Dallas and she happily let me in to see him.

I sat on the one side of the glass wall and Cameron shortly walked in. He picked up the phone on his side and I picked up mine.

"baby I'm so sorry" I said starting to cry

"honey it's not your fault" he said

"yes it is, if my parents wouldn't have reported you we would be at home together right now" I said

"baby its okay my court day is in two weeks then we can be together again" he said

"TIMES UP" I heard I'm guessing the security guard yell

"okay I love you baby, I'll come visit you tomorrow" I said

"okay I love you too" he said putting up the phone and walking away. I then put up my phone and left the jail. I don't think I can go two weeks without cameron.

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now