wedding planning

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This morning Cameron texted me and told me that his water stopped working at his house and he asked if he could come over and shower at my house, my dad and brother were working and my mom was out running errands so i told him he could. He got over here around noon and after his shower we were going to go shopping and go out to start planning our wedding. Cameron got in the shower and i was in there waiting and getting ready. I heard the front door slam and someone coming towards the bathroom

"hey honey, can i come in quick, i need to brush my teeth i tried something gross for lunch"

"uhh im in the shower can it wait" i yelled

"honey it will be quick" she said starting to open the door

i quickly jumped into the shower so she wouldn't see that i was dry and the shower was going. I looked at Cameron and he looked at me. damn was he sexy. i just stood there, i didn't know what to do. I've never seen anything other than his abs before. When my mom finished and left Cameron said

"so do you like it" i turned bright red and quickly got out of the shower. About 5 minutes later he finished and grabbed a towel and got out of the shower. He took off the towel and started to get dressed

"Cameron what the hell" i said

"what you've seen it all before" he said laughing, i turned bright red "so i take it you dont like it" he asked

"no i love it, i mean uhh its alright" i said turning even darker red making him laugh harder

"oh really" he asked smirking

"shut up and hurry" i said leaving the bathroom. When he was done he came to my room and i made sure my mom was gone then we left. I felt bad planning my wedding without my mom since she would always say how excited she was to plan my wedding and how she couldn't wait until i get married but i dont think she meant she wanted me to marry my teacher when i was 18.

First we went to the cake store to pick the design and the flavor of the cake. Our colors of the wedding are teal and copper so we needed something that went with that. We decided on a four layer square cake, the first layer was white with a copper design on it, the second was teal with a copper strip and a copper flower on the side, the third was plain white, and the fourth was the same as the first layer. The flavors we picked were coconut and vanilla. We also got some chocolate cupcakes with half the frosting teal and the other half copper.

Next we went to the flower shop to pick out the flowers me and the girls would carry, we got a bouquet of teal copper and white random flowers for me then the same for the girls just a little smaller than mine.

After the flower shop we went to pick up Ally and Sierra and her daughter Sophia to pick out the bridesmaid and flower girl dress. For the bridesmaid dress we picked out a knee high teal dress with a copper waist band with copper sequins half way down the skirt and for shoes some copper sequin shoes. For the flower girl dress we got a plain cute copper dress.

After we got those dresses we dropped off Cameron to pick up my brother and his friend Nash to get the tuxes since they were the groomsmen and then me Sierra and Ally went to pick out my wedding dress. After 3 hours of looking and looking Sierra showed me a really pretty dress and i instantly fell in love with it. I went to try it on and i loved it even more on me. It was kind of a cream colored dress with lace designs down the dress. I walked out and Sierra and Ally got tears in their eyes.

"i love it, this is the one" i whispered now starting to cry


After we found my dress i dropped off Sierra and Ally and went over to Cameron's house

"did you find your dress" he asked

"yes and i love it" i said smiling

He told me that for the tuxes that they got the same one but he got a copper, and they all got a teal tie.

"our wedding will be perfect, i cant wait" he said kissing my forehead

"me either babe" i say kissing him

"so what should our date be" he asked

"i was thinking some time in June" i said

"we should do it June 13th" he said smiling

"sounds perfect" i said

It was already getting late so we went up to his room and layed down

"good night my beautiful fiance" he said kissing me

"goodnight my handsome fiance" i said falling asleep shortly after.

He is perfect.

Cameron Dallas is my English teacherWhere stories live. Discover now