
3.1K 74 124

True, it's over. 

On scale one to ten, how much do you hate me? How many of you wants to kill me? How many of you are actually, genuinely happy with the way this ended? In general, what do you think about the whole story? Be honest with me, kissing ass helps no one.

I can't believe it's finally over! Took me long enough, tho... I'm still not over the fact that I finished The Wedding, much less that I have now finished two stories! Unbelievable. And of course, all thanks belongs to you who read this and commented and voted. It helped me keep going, it made me happy and it made me appreciate you more than ever. Also I'd have never imagined that this story would get popular, I mean all these thousands of reads— it's crazy and I still can't believe it. I smile every time I see a new vote or a comment. You have no idea how much your support means to me. Sometimes it's not easy to write and I think about giving up because I can never be as good as those who speak English as their first language, but you guys keep me going! THANK YOU.

Gonna be completely honest here; I'm so relieved that this story is finally completed. Now I can FINALLY start writing Assassin's Asylum trilogy. 

Also, while I'm at it, I'm going to do some self-promotion: I have like about 20 story drafts, all at the point where I wanna start writing but can't really decide which one. So, I figured I could tell you three titles and you comment which one you'd prefer me to start publishing, okay? Please note that this is not a promise, just want to see what you'd like to have next and it also might help me to decide which one I should start writing. Here they are:

1. They Don't See the Angel Living in Your Heart

Note: Larry

2. Hummingbird Challenge

Note: Malec

3. When A Tornado Meets A Volcano

Note: Original Characters, BxB

OR, would you rather get back my old story, One Year, which I unpublished ages ago? I have been working on with it and might just start with it again, who knows.

So there they are, just comment which one caught your attention and we'll see if I can start publishing it at some point! For now, tho, I concentrate on Assassin's Asylum: For Me which you need to go check out if you already haven't!

Once again, thank you so so so fooking much for everything! I hope you don't hate me because of this story's ending. 


Yours truly, Nikolina

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