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Everything was silent , except for the creaking of the door being opened , Jessica's breathing was definitely not silent , she placed her hand to her mouth and the other on her chest trying to steady her breathing and stay quiet . She could see and hear the man's boot's walking across the floor . he stopped in-front of her , she couldn't handle it .

her breathing intensified with every passing second her thoughts were running through her head , and her heart felt like it was rising in her throat . She wished more than anything that her father and brother could just show up and make this all go away . The man then started walking again back to the dining room door ," There's no one in the house sir " she heard a man at the entrance of the dining room say .

" they can't be far , check the out building's and the woods quickly . The man's tone of voice gave her tingles up her spin it was cold , harsh and the arrogance in his voice made her seem to recognise something scarcely familiar about him

" yes sir " the man replied and left the room , leaving the man standing there cocking his pistol .

The sound of his pistol made Jessica swallow hard , she now knew , that he knew she was in the room . Jessica sat there not knowing what to do , she was to scared she couldn't think she didn't know what to think other than she knew she was going to die , it was too late .

The man had lifted the sheet of the dining table up and saw Jessica reach over lifting the table cloth up and sliding out from underneath the table , scrambling to her feet . she gasped as she stood face to face on the other side of the table with one of the British green dragoons aiming his pistol right at her head .

Her eye's met with his instantly , she knew those cold bright blue eyes that pierced into her deep blue eyes before . It was that man who killed Thomas .

She was enraged her body intensified with anger , But she was also filled with fear , but she certainly didn't want the Man to know she was terrified . Jessica lifted her head straightened her back . And then she spoke confidently .

" I would appreciate it if you would lower your pistol , sir " she sneered at him

and surprisingly he did as she asked .

" Are you , or are you not the daughter of Benjamin Martin ? " He sneered back to her .But she didn't answer , she just stood there and looked at him blankly .

" Answer me , are you or are you not ! " he shouted raising his pistol towards Jessica again , causing her to jump .

" Y-yes i-i am his daughter " the gun made her tremble she studded trying to keep herself together .

He nodded and then walked around the table over to Jessica , she back away from him quickly before he grabbed her arm forcefully pulling him with her out of the room .

" get your hand off of me ! " she shouted as he tightened his grip harder around her arm .

" Borden " he said walking up to one of the other men , " were taking this one with us back to the estate , she is one of Benjamin's children "

Borden eye'd her up and down and then nodded " yes sir "

he proceeded to walk with Jessica still in his grasps ,

" get off of me ! " she shouted once more and tried to fight against him .

Instead of ignoring her any further , he pulled her over in-front of him and threw her over his shoulder . she felt his one arm wrap around her waist , his grip was strong and she could feel his arm muscles tighten around her .

she kicked and screamed wildly " put me down " she yelled . she struggled to free herself from him , he was too strong for her .

When he reached over to his horse he took Jessica by the waist and propped her up on the horse . Then he himself proceeded to climb on top of his horse behind her .

" Let me go " she yelled , " You killed my brother Thomas "

she hated to be even near him she wanted to jump off the horse and run back into the house joining her family , and then she wondered ware they were , and if they even made it out of the house alive .

" why are you doing this , why are you taking me back to your estate ? " she asked

"because " he replied " you are the daughter of Benjamin Martin and you are going to give up any information regarding your father "

Her eye's widened

" No , let me go " she yelled elbowing him in the stomach . His stomach muscles tightened as he let out a silent grunt and then started chuckling .

" feisty aren't we "she tried sliding off the horse

" Oh no you don't " he grabbed on to her pulling her closer to him . she arched her back avoiding him .

" torch the house " He yelled out back to the men , they responded by throwing the torches toward the house instantly setting the house up in flames .

" No, you filthy brute " Jessica screamed . She still wasn't sure if her family was still in the house or not . The man ignored her and took the reins of his horse .

He spurred his horse into a full gallop and carried his captive and himself back to the British estate . As the rest of the Dragoons followed behind their leader .

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