Do not test me

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Jessica was awake before the sun had rised , she only fell asleep for a few hours .
how could she when she was thinking about her brothers , sisters and aunt .
she prayed that they made it out of the house alive and well .
Jessica heard a hard knock at the door , she knew it must be Tavington .

" come in " she shouted .

Tavington walked into the room he already had on his red and green officer uniform. He held his riding helmet and gloves under his arm. His hair was also slicked back and queued he carried a tray with an apple , some bread and a glass of cool water .

" I figured you must be hungry " Tavington said placing the tray on a small table sitting beside her cot .

" I'm starving " she said taking the apple of the tray , taking a large bite out of it . Then placing it back on the tray she picked up the bread .

The bread was somewhat stale sticking to the back of her throat she took a sip of the water , washing it all down .
Tavington just stared at her as she ate her meal . Clearing his throat Jessica looked up toward him waiting for him to speak .

" Yes Colonel ? " she asked waiting for his replie " Yes , well firstly as you know Miss Martin, I mentioned last night that i would be explaining to you of how you will ensure and earn your protection . During your stay .

" what do you exactly mean by " she paused " Protection ? " she questioned , even though she had already a good idea of what he meant by "protection "

" My men , as you know , as i already have told you before they have not been in the presence of a women in a long time "
" you wouldn't " Jessica said staring at him , with fear lurking in her eye's . Tavington liked seeing the fear in her eye's , he knew if he were to threatened her enough she would be too scared not to give him what he needed out of her .
" If it's neccesary " He smirked back at her . Jessica hated when he did , his smirked screamed arrogance .

" bastard " she said under her breath but still loud enough for Tavington to hear her .

" Secondly " he snapped " you will watch your tongue while you are speaking to me or any other
officers , you will do well to show respect ".

Jessica ignored him taking a sip of water them placing it back on the tray

" is that clear , Miss Martin " he said harshly

" Yes , sir " she said rolling her eye's . " Good , Now I also happened to mention that you will be starting work today , you will be working as a nurse in our camps tending to our wounded ."

" And what makes you think you can ask for my services , colonel " she snapped at him now standing up face to face.

" You killed my brother Thomas and now want my information so you can go kill my brother and father , burned my house . And not only mine but my Aunts , I dont even know if the rest of my family even made it out alive last night . Your a vile and cruel man William Tavington "she said , almost looking as if she was challenging his pistol.

Tavington narrowed his gaze on her , she knew from the way he was stareing at her that she was testing his patients now " Do not test me " he growled . his large hand wrapped around her porcelain neck, and his whole body was pressing against hers, keeping her pushed tight against the wall. Jessica's breathing became ragged, and it was now that she looked frightened .

" colonel Tavington un-hand me " she breathed heavily

" I will if you behave and agree to follow any of my instructions and orders i give to you " Tavington sneered slightly releasing his grip on her neck .

She nodded " Y-yes Colonel "

" Good , Now get ready i will be returning to take you back to our camp shortly to get started " he said taking his hand off of her neck and turning to walk out of the room .

" I dont have anything to wear " she said rolling her eye's . Tavington turned back to look at her atire , she was only wearing a thin white nightgown and a long robe . " Very well i'll get you something new to wear , " and with that he turned again to walk out of the room closing the door behind him .

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