The Butcher

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When they arrived , the estate was surrounded by a high wooden wall . She now knew her escape was not going to be easy , it seemed now that it may even be impossible .

As they rode up to the large wooden gates two men were on the other side

" Gates " a man shouted as both of the doors opened wide . Jessica's captor , ordered the rest of his men to go back to their camp .

Once they cleared out , The man headed over to the stables . he then dismounted his horse taking Jessica off as-well . " If you are thinking of running don't , you wont get to far " he said stroking the barrel of his pistol the sight of his pistol sickened her .

" And it is not in my intention to kill you , as you know i need information , your information . " "

" what makes you think i will give up any information , regarding my father and brothers saftey , Jessica sneered . The man sighed

" Tell me would you rather let me ride you back to our camp , and leave you in the hands of my men , they would rather enjoy your company . You see they have not had the plesure of a womens touch in a long while " he smirked

Jessica looked back at him in disgust with a hint of fear in her eye's " No sir , i do not wish to be left in the company of your men "

" I didn't think so " he looked examining her up and down . He had to admit she was considerably pretty , her long straight caramel brown coloured hair was slung over her one shoulder . The colour of her skin was porcelain and her deep blue marbled eyes were complimented by her long brown lashes .

Jessica stood in silence watching him looking at her from head to toe , she felt uncomfortable and could feel her pink cheeks redden .

"come with me " he said taking her small hand into his . He practically dragged her into the mansion , he pulled her up throught two flights of stairs . She was then pushed into a room that was poorly furnished. All that was in the room was a cot with a single blanket. And a window on the far wall .

He walked in the room closing the door behind him and Jessica . " i wonder , what is your first name , miss Martin ? " he asked " well you as my captor have fail to tell me your's " she snapped .

" I am colonel William Tavington " Colonel William tavington she thought Gabriel use to write to her when he left for war two years ago .

He would tell her stories about the British Green Dragoons , and one inpraticular named Colonel William Tavington was known for his brutal tactics , He would ride into battle with his sword drawn cutting anyone in his path . He was given the nickname amoung the populis as ' The Butcher '

" so your the one they call the butcher " she smirked , Tavington stood and stared at her . " Yes as some would like to , call me . But you will refer to me as Colonel Tavington or just Colonel " he said in a harsh tone " now will you care to tell me your name " he asked impatiently .

"I dont see how its any of your concern Colonel " she smirked again, "Oh, it is my concern. Now tell me your name." he barked at her

She sighed and just stared at him.

" my name is Jessica " She replied , " would you mind telling me your age as-well "

" I'm 18 years of age , sir " she answered .

He nodded and continued to stare at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Do you mind, Colonel Tavington " she asked . He just ignored her comment " I will be back in the morning to discuss about how you will earn and ensure your protection , for now get some rest you have work to do tomorrow " and with that he turned and left the room

Jessica sat alone , what made that man think she was going to do any work under his command , he killed her brother , burned her own house , her Aunts now aswell and captured her . But she knew she would'nt be here long , she would try to escape somehow She smiled to herself and layed on the cot , closeing her eyes and drifted into sleep

Why do you let me stay here ?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon