Chapter 2

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Angel. Heaven's dad.

The next day I decided to have a mommy and daughter day with Heaven. She loved to go to Toys R Us and play with the toys or go to mcdonalds and look at all the pretty colors. She even likes to pick with clothes. So i put her in her cute shirt and skirt set get dressed and takes her to the car. As im done putting her in the car I see my neighbor looking at me. I just roll my eyes and get in the car on the ride to the mall I get a call from an unknown number so I answer it and put it on speaker.


"Hey girl" I hear Melanie's happy voice. "I thought you was dropping Heaven off but i guess not cause your never late.

I laugh a little. "Im sorry girl i forgot to call you to tell you im having a mommy daughter day with her today." Heaven giggles when i say that.

"Hiii Heaven!!!!!" Melanie screams and Heaven baby talks back to her. I laugh. "Did you want to come too? We right down the street."

"Nah girl go have fun woth Heaven" she says than says bye and hangs up. At the back of my mind i knew something was wrong but i ignored it.

When we got to the mall i got Heaven out her carseat and tried to get her stroller. I felt a hand on my waist and the person moved me.

"I got it dont need you or my child hurt." I looked at him like he was crazy. He grabs the stroller with ease and opens it then tries to grab Heaven.

"What part of dont touch my child dont you understand. And are you following me. I will send you back to jail dont try me. I put you there once I will do it again." He grabs Heaven and puts her in the stroller making sure its lock and wonr move. I start to back away as he grabs me and pins me to my car.

"Lets have a little talk Jazz." He says through clenched teeth. He drags me in the car by my hair and puts Heaven in the car. As I start the car trying to leavr him there he gets in takes the keys and slaps me.

He starts choking me again. And says. "Dont think i wont kill you because i will i havent because i love you." He lets go of my neck. "If you loved me you wouldnt sit here choking me, slapping me, and you would stay out my life. Angel I dont want you no more I left for a reason and I will leave again no matter how much you beat bruise and bloody me i will always leave you time after time." I tell him each word my voice got louder and tears started rolling.

He wipes my tears and kisses me. I sit there eyes open. "Kiss me back!" He say but i still just sit there as he kisses me. He wraps his hand around my neck making me gasp for air while he still choking me he says, "kiss me back and we are done for now."

Tears slip down my face as i give in to him and kiss him back. "I knew you missed me." He says and i pull away from him. "Now please get out and leave my car." Im so angry i dont even feel the tears anymore but he keeps wiping my tears. "Dont touch me" I say and move away from him but that just makes him madder.

His face turns red and starts punching and slapping me every where but is careful of my face so no more bruises are showing. When he is done he chokes me and kisses my tear stained face and says. "You made me do this to you."

I sit there and cry as he gets out like nothing happened. He comes to my side puts the stroller back and tries to open my door. "Jazz open this door" he says about 5 times through the glass as I start the car. He bust the window and grabs my arm as I reverse out and drive away. Only seeing a red angry face in the mirror as I speed off home.

When I get hope as im walking to my door my neighbor opens his door with hope in his eyes. He smiles at me until he sees my face and rushes over to me. "Omg what happenes to you? Are you ok? I think I should take you to the hospital." He says so fast and I get mad. "Its none of you business and im not going anywhere with you" I walk to my door my door with Heaven on my aching bruised side and almost falls from the pain when she starts jumping around. He rushes over to me and catches me.

"I dont neec your help.." I say as tears threaten to fall and I stand and put the key in the hole and unlock the door. As I try to shut the door behind me he follows me and grabs Heaven and puts her in her playpen in the living room. "Get out of my house."

He walks closer and puts his hand on my bruised cheek and studies it. I push him away. "Lift you shirt up." He demands as his eyes turn black.

"W-What?" I say in disbelief and start backing up. He walks to me and grabs my shirt and lifts it a little. I snatch my shirt back down before he sees something. He grabs my hands softly and lifts the shirt up to see ted and purple bruises all over my skin.

He drops my shirt, looks at me, throws the closest thing thats glass, and walks out slamming the door without another word. As I sit there wordless as to what just happened and picking up the broken glass on the floors.

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