Chapter 5

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Angel POV

I was pacing around my room. I was smart enough to get a house right across the street from Jazz. I just gotta find a way for her to let me stay. That Daniel dude is gonna get hurt if he dont stay out of my way. I need to find a wait to trap her so she will get back with me but Daniel in my way. My boss gonna kill me if I dont get her back she sent me to jail once and I will make her regret it and I know just how. I call my boss up to let him know my progress. Which is not good progress or any progress at all.

"This better be good." He says harshly.

I swallow hardly than start talking. "Im working on it sir. This time I was in her apartment and I think shes warming up to me."

"Thats all you got! If I have to come out there she wont be the only one hurt!" He yells mad.

I sigh. If he would just let me finish. "She has a daughter." I say loudly. "And that daughter is mines. Before you say anything I didnt know about it."

He starts laughing. "Thats my boy. I knew you could do it. Now I know how to get her ill be there in 3 days your job is to kidnap your daughter and keep her until I get there and tell you the rest of the plan."

I sighed I knew if I went against him he would kill me so I had no other choice. "Fine but on one condition. You dont hurt her and dont force me to hurt her shes just a baby."

"Only this once because that is my grandaughter not because shes a baby or because you asked so nicely." He says with so much sarcasm.

"Than we have a deal." I say and hang up before he can say anything else. I look out mt window and across the street and see her on the couch playing with the baby. They both are so beautiful I noticed my daughter has my eyes but hers are a bluish color. When I held her it was the best feeling ever for me. I look closely to see that Jazz isnt alone. When I finally see who it is I know im going along with the plan. I can feel me being replaced everytime her and Daniel are with each other I know hes gonna take her away but he wont be able to. I feel my eyes darkening as I get madder. They get closer and she gives him the baby. Her daughter. MY DAUGHTER. Im beyond pissed im livid and I turn away than turn back and they are gone. Was I hallucinating or was that real. I shake my head and start to plan out how to kidnap a 3 month old baby. But then I think about it do I really want to do it. Honestly no but then Daniel and Jazz pop into my mind and I have no second doubts anymore. Im going to kidnap my daughter. And then Jazz is next.

Jazz POV

Today I got a weird call from a number from my hometown. But when I answered it it was nothing but faint breathing. I kind of think its Angel playing a joke on me but whatever I will just brush the nervous feeling off. Last night after everything I packed me and Heaven's bags. Im leaving again but I told everyone that we going to the beach for a day or two. Since Angel popped back into my life I got a bad feeling. What if its not only Angel. But it cant be who I think it is he died when I sent Angel to jail I was there he died.

Theres a knock on e door and as I go to get it, it gets louder. I walk quieter and check the peep hole. As soon as I look through I see nothing but black. I try to look through again but this time im flying across the room. I hit my head on the wooden and glass table and start to black out but not before I heard a voise I have been dreading.

"Im back princess and im taking you and your daughter with me." Than theres nothing but blackness.

Leaving the Past BehindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz