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"John! You're takin' forever! Some of us have other things to do too y'know...!" George knocked repeatedly on the bathroom door as John smeared fluffy white shaving cream on his face.
"Shut it you brats...!" John teased, expecting an irritated reaction from his friends.
George slammed his hand against the door once, annoyed of course and walked away.
When John was done, he exited the bathroom after 24 more minutes in a suit and tie, attempting to catch the next taxi to a private show in Liverpool.
Though it was about two more hours until it started, John decided to take a short time to rest anyways.
He sat in a lounge chair of the hotel he was staying in with his friends, and nodded off to sleep.
* * * *
When John awoke, the first thing he did was check the time.
5:45 p.m.,
A gasp escaped through his mouth when realization hit him, he had overslept!
Quick as a flash, he dashed to the window just in time to see the last carpool leave.
"Hey!" John stuck his head out the window and waved one of his arms.
"Hey! Hey!!" He yelled trying to get the driver's attention.
Unfortunately his plan backfired when he fell out the two story window by accident.
It wasn't a far fall, and he ended up landing on his back, "God damn!" He yelled in a low voice and covered his face with his hands.
"Oh...! Are you alright, sir?" A concerned woman's voice came from above him.
John quickly pulled his hands away and squinted to see her face.
Before him stood a beautiful young woman about the same age as him, she had smooth {Y/HC} hair and the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.
He was completely stunned, so stunned in fact that he had forgot about her question.
"I saw you fall, I thought you needed some help." She said.
He snapped out of it once he heard her voice again.
"Oh...Oh! Yeh! I'm alright." He stood up.
"Oh, good. I thought you were hurt." She sighed relieved and smiled along with it. At that exact moment, he felt as though he were in love with this woman he had never met before...
"I'm John.." He held his hand out.
"I know, You're an artist from that popular band, 'The Beatles'." She responded.
"Yes...Yes, that's me." He smiled, grateful she wasn't a crazed fan.
"I'm {Y/N}." She shook his hand finally.
"Are you from around here?" John asked.
"Yes, actually. I live~" She pointed to a house not too far down the street.
"Right there." She finished, making John turn to look.
"I'm just coming back from a set my agent called me to last minute." She rolled her eyes.


"Yes, I'm a 'rising actress' is what the director called me." She answered.

"That's amazing...Will I see you in any movies?"

"Probably." She laughed.

"Well, I-"

"Hey John! Y'know stairs were invented right? There's no need to be jumpin' out the windows!" George joked, looking down at John from the window he had fallen out of.
John glared at George and raised a black gloved fist at him.
"Who's your pretty friend?" George asked. She blushed and smiled up at him, just as Paul stuck his head out the window as well to see what the fuss was about.
"I bet she's-!" Paul started, stopping once he saw the woman below him.
"Oh...Oh God..." He blushed red, realizing he had nearly embarrassed himself in front of the absolutely gorgeous lady he had never met.
"Hello..." Paul said quietly and waved to her.
"I saw her first!" George tried to push him away playfully.
"No you didn't!" Paul pushed him back and pretended to start fighting with him.
"Idiots! You're embarrassing me!" John yelled through clenched teeth.
"It's alright, I have friends just like them." She said.
Suddenly a loud clock behind them bonged. "Oh! I'm sorry to leave so suddenly, but I have to go." She exclaimed and began walking at a fast pace. "Wait!" Both John and Paul yelled at the same time.
Both men turned their heads to give each other dirty looks as if they were annoyed with each other.
"I'm sorry, I can't. I have to go-!" She said and ran down the sidewalk, her heels clicking with every step she took.
"She's..." John started.
"....Perfect." Paul finished.

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