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///Do forgive me, I've been awfully busy this week and all last week.\\\

Since John had troubles expressing love unless he was in a committed relationship, the day he was with her he did not try anything he had told himself he should be doing before Paul did.

Paul stole her away that day quicker than a car on a highway.

As soon as they exited the store, Paul came out of nowhere with a dozen roses in hand, "{Y/N}~!" He exclaimed and pulled them out from behind his back.

She gasped and took them carefully, holding them in a bunch like a kid would when getting their photo taken on Christmas day will all their toys.

"Paul!! These are beautiful!" She cried out and examined each one with a smile on her face. Each and every one of them were a deep perfect red, with no blemishes or dying tops out of the whole twelve of them the plastic around them far out enough so no petal was squished.

John watched her excitement as she thanked him, leaning in to hug him. John suddenly felt like a third wheel, and he was there first with her! Unknowingly as she went to wrap one of her arms around him, Paul seemed to be going in for a kiss, an unnoticeable one so anyone who had happened to walk by wouldn't notice.
To anyone else, it didn't look like he was trying to kiss her, but the way he turned his head, and the look on his face, gave it all away.

John felt a raging fire burn, straight through his heart, making him forget about how she felt when they fought.
He reacted so quickly there was no time to think about what he was doing...

Everything was in slow motion to him, every move he made was in a slow moving pace, but in reality was moving so quick, neither one of them saw it coming when he reached forward and grabbed Paul's jacket, pulling him away from her and slamming his fist right into his face.

Paul's beautiful smile was turned into a look of agony when he was suddenly jerked, but reacted as any other angry man would, he pulled his fist back and punched him almost as hard. That's when reality became reality, fast motion fist-fighting over the same girl, neither one of them had the guts to make a love move over.

"Son of a-!" John growled and pushed him away, to wipe the blood from his nose.

But of course, still livid with the hard blow to his face, Paul tried to keep fighting. He tried hitting John once again, just as John looked up, bracing himself.

But {Y/N} stood in front of him, angered as she raised her hand and smacked him right across the face.

Paul yelled out and stood back, holding his face where he felt a terrible sting.

John made a face at Paul, thinking he had got off scotch free with her, only to watch as she turned around and did the same harsh slap to him as well.

She opened her mouth to yell, but stopped herself, feeling her eyes well up with tears and her face burn before she fast-walked away.

John and Paul had never done such an awful thing to someone, or eachother. Never. When they made girls cry it was at shows, and they were tears of happiness. Not tears of sadness and disappointment...

John again used his hand to wipe blood from his face. "What have we done, Paul?" John's voice cracked when he looked over at his best friend.

///I know it seems like John would never hit someone, but he would and he did. He used to punch men for asking his high school girlfriend to dance. He was a very bad boy.\\

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