Making the move:

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Days passed that day she walked away, giving John and Paul even had time to write a song. It was titled; "Ticket to ride."

And they released it shortly after it was made. They changed up some lyrics from what it was originally so it would sell. Though neither of them really cared.

"Are you all ready? Let's do this better than great." Their manager rubbed his hands together prepping them all before they went out and performed that one song in a medium crowd of people.

"Alright, get going."

Paul walked out slowly after John with his guitar and walked to a microphone next to John's.

The music started, and John was up to start the song.

"I think I'm gonna be sad, i think it's todayy yeah." He began.

"The girl that's driving me mad is going away..." John felt a sudden sadness fill up his entire body that made him want to cry, and scream, and yell.

"She's got a ticket to ride, she's got a ticket to ride, she's got a ticket to ride....but she don't care."

John felt his face turn red as his eyes went from staring at the back of the room to examining the crowd seemingly one by one.

His words were quiet now instead of projected, until they were almost nothing. People looked at one another confused.

"She said that..." John said quietly and stopped singing. Suddenly he backed up, attempting to walk off the stage.

Overcome with sadness, he didn't get far, he ended up falling to the floor half unconscious. People stood up to try and figure out what was wrong with the man on the floor. Women watched with fear and sadness as the whole thing went down.

"John! John!" George and a stage assistant ran over to help. Paul stood by his microphone, watching the depressed man. Or what was left of him. For once, Paul felt sadness for John this month. He watched with a look of sadness on his face. Knowing that his foolish acts over a woman John was so deeply in love in had caused him so much pain.

That sadness came from everything he had done...hadn't it...?

Paul grabbed the mic, "Hey!" He yelled, getting the crowds attention.

"You're probably not even here....{Y/N}. And I don't blame you for not being here. But John's really more sorry than you think he is...He's a..." He lowered his voice until it was barely audible. "....broken man..." Paul stated and turned to John who was on the floor, now about five people around him, trying to get ahold of help.

"I'm sorry, John." Paul ran his fingers through his hair and ran off stage.

* * * *


They hadn't known you were sitting in the back of that crowd that day.

Only shock and terrible sadness was what stabbed you in the heart when you saw everything go down.

You sat in your seat, completely still all the way until John was taken by am ambulance. That's when you snapped. You stood up and pushed through the crying female fans, trying to get to the nearest exit to outside.

Once outside, you saw the last paramedic get into the back of the ambulane, about to close the door.
Like lighting you zipped to the vehicle and slammed on the door several times furiously trying to get them to open it. At last it was opened...

"You need to let me in. Please." You said in a nervous voice.

"Family?" He asked.

"No." You said and pushed him away, climbing in anyways. John was fully unconscious on a stretcher, even in sleep, the once happy man you had seen only days before, had a look of pale depression on his face. "Oh John..." You held his face in your hands as the ambulance began moving. Of course, to anyone else there was no reason to mourn.

But you couldn't help but feel as though this was your fault. Your eyes welled with tears and dripped onto his face. "I'm sorry John...I'm so sorry..." You said quietly.

* * * *

John was sent to rest for a day in a hospital room. You decided to stay with him the whole time. Sitting by his bed and holding one of his hands until he woke up.

Even as confused and as dazed as he was, you couldn't be more happy to see him awake. The first thing he noticed was that you were next to him. Next to him in a chair while he laid in a hospital bed.

"John..." You smiled.

He looked at you for a moment, surprised. "Why are you...?" John started but stopped once he realized what he was saying. He didn't care why you were there with him. He was just happy you were there at all.

"How did you find out?" He asked. Never knowing you had been in the crowd the whole time.

"Paul told me..."

"Paul? What did that idiot say about me this ti-"

"He said he was sorry. And that...Well..." You stopped yourself and turned on the short tv in front of the bed. "I'm sure someone got it on camera. And I'm sure it's most likely on every four channels. The news station played Paul's entire apology to John while he was unconcious. Someone had taped it and sent it in to the station only two hours ago. "I'm sorry, John." The tape ended with Paul running off stage.

"I..." John just couldn't think of the words to say.

"I want to leave right now. Right now. Hey!" He sat up and tried calling for a nurse.

"Where are the damn Doctors in this place....?!" He growled.

"No, no...! John!" You stood up and tried to calm him down. But he demanded to speak with a nurse or doctor for his release.

"John!" You yelled one last time before suddenly he pulled you towards him and kissed you on the lips.

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