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Soon you and John were together in a committed relationship. He did nothing more than love you every second he was with or without you.

He always hugged and kissed you ever since the two of you moved into a house together in London. Every day he came home with a smile on his face.

One day, John invited you to a show in a fancy tavern the band was playing one Saturday night at night.
You sat in a pretty red dress and a golden necklace with matching earings John bought you only days before, at a white pristine tableclothed table waiting patiently by yourself.

A few minutes went by after John left to go up on the red curtained stage with the rest of his friends. And as you picked up your champagne, a man in a black sweater and jeans with elvis looking hair. "Hey there." He smiled and sat down in a chair next to you, turning it to face you so he could look at you.

"Hello." You smiled back and set down your glass slowly.

"You here alone? Excuse me for asking, but you are beautiful...!" He exclaimed in a low voice, marveling over your beauty.
"No, actually, I'm with my boyfriend and his friends." You responded trying to be polite.

"Ah. That makes more sense." He looked disappointed. "Where is he?"

"Getting ready on stage."

"Woah, what? He's a Beatle??" He asked.

"Yes. John." You smiled proudly.

"Wow...that's a bit unfortunate..." He shook his head and lifted the beer bottle he held in his hand to his lips.

" you mean?" You asked.

"Well, having a famous man as your lover must be difficult, always leaving for tours and shows and what not. Must get lonely....You don't want someone like that." He put his hand on your thigh.

"Excuse me, having John is amazing and I'm perfectly happy. He always makes time for me. And him leaving for tours is what ignites our relationship. He comes back and we love seeing each other." You explained and gave him a stern look.

"And if he goes on a world tour? You'll be alone for about a year..."

"Yeah, and?"

"That'd be lonley. I'm assuming you don't have kids, so...Why don't you let me come over and show you a-"

"Stop it...!" You said in a whispery voice and stood up quickly to gey away from him.

You began walking away, just as he stood up, "Come onn~" He walked after you quickly and grabbed your wrist.

"He'll never even know. He's always so busy." He assured.

"Yeah, he'll never know." A familiar sarcastic sounding voice came from behind him.

There was John, angered in every way possible, he grabbed his arm without warning and pulled it off of yours, giving John the chance to punch him in the face hard.

John flipped his hair from his own face with a jerk of his head before grabbing the bleeding man and punching him again, repeatedly.

"John! Mercy!" You yelled and watched as paparazzi began snapping pictures just as John stopped.

"Stop...Please...!" The man yelled, giving up.

John dropped him, "Get out of here. Don't let me catch you talking to her again." He growled and watched the angry man run out of the building quickly.


John seemed a bit obsessed. But no, he was just a tad overly jealous. Well, the wannabe man did attempt to woo you, but if you hadnt said anything, John may not have stopped. Most likely yelling to bring it outside.

"John! We'll deal with this later...get up here!" His Manger demanded and stood in front of him.

John, breathing heavily and sweating, leaned forwards quickly and kissed your forehead before running up to the stage stairs and preparing for the showing.

* * * *

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