Make up:

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"Oh yes, how rude of me I almost forgot." John started, casually.
He turned to Paul and grabbed him by his shirt once again, "How dare you follow me after I specifically told you to stay away?" John asked angrily.

"What makes you think I'd listen to you?!" Paul pushed him away.

"You don't hust steal a girl from someone, Paul! She could hate that!"

"How do YOU know?! She could like a man that takes charge, not some wimpy little boy..." He scoffed.

"Oh I'll show you 'wimpy little boy' alright." John pulled his fist back to hit Paul in the face, rjght before George walked in.

"Woah! Woah! Stop it!" George broke them apart.
"What are you two thinkin'?! Fighting over a girl? That's absurd, you two have been friends for a long time, and now this? THIS is what's gonna break your friendship? You boys are better than that...." George walked to the door, grabbing the handle.

"Make up." He ordered and closed the door behind him.

John and Paul sat in silence, arms crossed and looking away from eachother.
"I'm sorry." They said at the same time, causing them both to look at eachother.
"I never meant to be the bad guy...I was so wrapped up in that girl I forgot about our friendship." Paul said.
"I never meant to be a bully, I didn't mean it." John responded and uncrossed his arms.
"We can't be fighting over this...Cool?" John held his hand out.
Paul uncrossed his arms as well with a small smirk, "Cool." He said in a low voice and shook his hand.
* * * *
John, back at his home in London sat back in his chair, alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but notice that he missed {Y/N}. A raging compulsion to see her again, but not wanting to betray his friend.
"Stupid...!" He hit himself on the head to try and stop the thoughts.
"Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!" He growled and slumped in his lounge chair.
Finally he stood up and ran to the nearest mirror, fixing his hair and deciding to run out the door to his car, Driving down to her house.
* * * *
"All I have is this documentary of when I played the role of her Majesty, Normally I don't keep my movies here at h-"
*knock knock knock knock knock*

You directed your attention to the door just as the Beatle member in front of you had done the same.

"I wonder who that is..." You said and stood up from the couch.

*knock knock knock knock*
The impatient person on the other side of the door started.
You quickly opened the door while he was continuing to knock, and there stood John.
"Hi John!" You hugged him happily.
He hesitated at first then finally gave in and hugged you, happy to finally see you again.
"You're just in time, I just pulled out this old documentary I starred in when I was about sixteen." You explained as John walked in, closing the door behind him. The first thing John noticed was who happened to be sitting on thr couch.
It stunned him immediately to see Paul sitting on the couch.
Once Paul saw John, he stood up quickly and fixed his tie.
"What....are you.....doing here....?!" John asked in a low angry voice.
"What are YOU doing here? You said you wouldn't come back!" Paul exclaimed.
"You said the same thing!" John yelled and got close to his face.
After a minute of yelling and pointing in eachothers face, they grabbed eachother and started roughly wrestling, grabbing at eachothers hair and smacking eachother like teenage girls. "Hey!! HEY!" You yelled and pushed them away from eachother.

"What is wrong with you boys?!" You yelled.

They ignored your question and glanced at eachother once.
"You two are supposed to be men! Grown men! Not middle school girls!" You yelled and moved your hair from your face with your black see-through gloved hand.
"I'm sorry..." They said to you at the same time.
You sighed and helped them up.
"It's okay..." You assured.
After that, the both of them left without a word said except for "Bye." And "See you soon."

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