Long time friends:

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"What in God's name did you think you were doin' out there?!" John growled at Paul.

"What're you talking about?!" Paul fired back.

"You were completely distracted by her!" John pushed him.

"And? What're you gonna do about it...?!" Paul pushed him right back.

John opened his mouth to yell at him, but stopped himself. He closed his eyes for a moment, when he opened them again, he pointed a finger in his face, sternly staring at him.
"Stay away from that girl." He said in a low voice.

"Psh..." Paul crossed his arms and watched as John walked away out of the room.
George cracked up with laughter behind Paul and jumped forward, hitting him repeatedly on the back and shoulder.
"You're in trouble now." George joked.
"Shut up." Paul said quietly and uncrossed his arms while George continued his snickering as he lit up a cigarette.
"I'll be damned if I get 'in trouble' with John Lennon." Paul said and lit up one himself.
* * * *
The next morning, John planned to go and meet {Y/N} at her house, to better get to know her before Paul had the chance to snatch her up out from under him.
He dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants with a belt wrapped around his waist.
At around 1:30 p.m., John snuck out, running all the way to her house...little did he know, Paul was one step ahead of him...
*knock knock knock*
A few seconds passed by before the door clicked unlocked and her door opened. "Oh, Hello John." She smiled.
"I apologize to show up like this unannounced but I-"
"Oh don't you worry about it. I'm actually glad you two are here, I could use the company." She interrupted.

"Two of us...?" John thought and caught her eyes on something in back of him.

When he turned to look, he happened to see Paul. Paul! He must've followed him there...
"Hello {Y/N}. Hi John." Paul smiled as if he were proud of himself.
"Why, you-!" John grabbed Paul's tie to punch him right in the mouth.
"It would be incredibly rude to start a fist fight in front of a woman. Would it not? Besides, remember her concern for those of us who are hurt?" He winked and talked in a whispery voice.
John let out a breath he was holding in and lowered his hand.
"It's good to see you too, John." Paul said and fixed his tie.
"Please come in." She smiled and allowed both of them inside.
The house she lived in seemed almost ordinary except for a few items others couldnt afford.
There were no glass staircases or golden fountains, but the appearance was rather appealing.
"Thank you." She giggled when she noticed the looks on Paul abd John's face. They seemed upright fascinated with everything.
"How long before you two leave here?" She asked.
"Tomorrow, sadly. I really like this town." Paul answered before John.
"Here." She set down a tray of tea on a stand.
"Thank you." The two said quickly at the same time, trying to beat each other to it.
They exchanged nasty glances at each other quickly then turned their attention back to her.
She regained her posture and looked at them with a smile, "I can't believe two of The Beatles are in my house." She said but kept her cool.
After about an hour of talking amongst the the three, there was a phone ring from the phone next to her.
"Excuse me" ---she picked up the phone slowly--- "Hello?"
"Yes, they're here, how did you get this num-?" She looked with her eyes to Paul and John.
"Okay, I'll tell them." She assured and hung up. "I think that was your manager, he wants you guys back at the Hotel so you can start packing everything up to go."

"Ohh~ already?" Paul complained.

"Quit your whining." John hit him with his elbow.

"It was nice talking to you, {Y/N}. I promise I'll see you soon." John told her and hugged her tightly.
"Aw, it was nice seeing you boys too." She kissed them both on the cheek before they left.
"HAH!" They yelled and pointed in each other's faces when outside.
For a while they were quiet, sitting in the car outside her house.
"Oh, I forgot my jacket." John lied and ran back to her front door.
As soon as she opened it again, the first thing he did was boldly ask, "May I please have your phone number?"

She smiled and took a sticky note off of the fridge, writing her number in black thick pen.
"Here." She handed the small piece of paper to him.
"Thank you." He replied and ran out the door once more.
Once he was back to the car, he quickly stuffed the paper into his pocket.

"Take that Pauline...!" He congratulated himself in his mind before driving away to the Hotel.

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