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It wasn't long before John met her again, this time it wasn't on purpose...
He saw her at the convenience store, picking up gourmet lollipops.
"{Y/N}...!" He called in a low voice to get her attention and speed walked over to her.
"Hi!" She responded happily and hugged him.
"What're you doing here?" She asked.

"Trying to find that documentary you were talking to me about the other day. What's it called again?"

"Oh, you won't find it here. You'll have to go to an actual video store." She replied.
John's attention turned to the diffrent colored lollipops she held in her hands in a bunch.
"Are you planning to get sick or something?" He joked.
"These aren't for me, silly. These are for my cousins visiting from America. I told them we have the best lollipops here and now they're dying to try one." She explained.
"Well, I definitely don't disagree. These are the best kinds too." John took one from the stand and opened up the wrapper, popping one end into his mouth.
"Hold on, I'm gonna pay real quick.
"No, no, I'll pay." He stepped forward and took out his wallet.
"Oh, you don't have to do that-" She tried to stop him but he had already handed the cashier the money.
"Too late, dollface." He chuckled.
"Thank you John, you're so sweet." She smiled gratefully.
"Ah, don't mention it." He said and looked away as he switched the candy to the other side of his mouth.
"John. May I ask something serious?" She said suddenly.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" He asked as they walked slowly outside.

"Why are you and Paul so desperate to get to my house? And talk to me...? I mean, my friends are telling me it's obvious why, but I hate to assume things. So I'd like to hear from you."

John was quiet...
He looked down at the cement for a bit, "Well...truth is....When I saw you, I thought I was in love, and I just wanted to talk to you, and get to know you. But when Paul saw you, I suppose he felt the same way...."
He stopped walking, "So now me and Paul are trying to 'get you'." He stated ashamed of himself.
"Oh my..." She took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry....I do hope you can forgive me." He pleaded.
"Of course I can. Why wouldn't I?" She asked.
John held in a humongous blush and hugged her just so she wouldn't see...
I guess you could call John a "non-emotional" type, but for once, he could really admit that he was in love with someone. And it was her..

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