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"Maybe Yamaguchi's angry with you" Hinata snickers with sandwich in his mouth. I hadn't thought of Yamaguchi being mad at me

I replay today's events so far

"Yamaguchi are you coming?" i spat, snapping Yamaguchi from his thoughts

"O-oh yeah Gomen Tsukki!" He grins and skips to my side. We push open the gym doors and Yamaguchi bounces off somewhere

"Ah finally your here, practice with us Tsukishima" Tanaka and Noya stomp over to me, ripping me toward a certain place in the room

After practice, Yamaguchi ignored my "Practice was hard today" with a grunt

He didn't wait for me and stormed straight to class, he didn't ask for a pencil like usual and asked the boy behind him, he even huffed at my request to eat lunch together.

Forcing me to eat with dumb and dumber "I haven't done anything wrong though" I grumble

Kageyama and Hinata choke on their food at the same time "nothing wrong?! Tsukishima you do a lot of mean things to Yamaguchi, maybe he's done with being treated like a dog" Kageyama spits, grinning

"Shut up, king" I spit, standing and leaving, the bell rings and I sigh, heading toward the doors, in the corner of my eye I see Yamaguchi

I turn my head fully and narrow my eyes, he was being surrounded by people, i walk over and my eyes widen at the sight

Yamaguchi leaning over someone, their collar in his fists and blood leaking from their face, Yamaguchi huffing above them, eyebrows furrow and usual bright green eyes pitch black

"Yamaguchi" I suddenly speak, voice shakier then I needed it to be, Yamaguchi looks up and he's eyes go wide, until the boy beneath him laughs something

"There's your master, dog" the smug look on the guy's face turns to horror as Yamaguchi turns back and punches Him in the face multiple times, once Yamaguchi snaps out of it he shakily drops the boy and glares

"I am no ones pet" he spits and turns, in the blink of an eye Theres a large pathway formed, Yamaguchi looks down at himself with disgust burning in his eyes

He walks right past me

And it felt like he took my soul with him, everyone turns to me and i growl "how did this start" I spit

Someone is pushed forward to explain "the g-guy on the ground was calling Yama-chan 'a dog' and a 'slave' and I guess everyone's just built him to the point where he couldn't take it".

Walking home, with Yamaguchi, made me realise how deadly he could actually be, because turned out he broke the boys nose, along with a split lip and eyebrow, two black eyes and broken pride

"Yamaguchi, why did you do it" I suddenly ask, once we're up in his room studying

"Hmm?" He whispers, not looking up

"Why did you beat that guy up, that's not like you at all" i can admit, this Yamaguchi was scaring me

"Why" he growls "why isn't it me Tsukki?! Is it because I'm too much of a dog to stand up for myself, is it because my 'master' doesn't let me?! HUH TSUKKI, MAYBE IM DONE WITH BEING YOUR SHADOW, IM DONE WITH HEARING PEOPLE SAY "where's Tsukishima" EVERYTIME I WALK INTO A ROOM WITHOUT YOU, YOU NEVER, EVER SMILE AT ME EITHER, SURE YOU'LL SMILE WHEN YOU PLAY FIGHT WITH NOYA-SENPAI AND TANAKA-SENPAI BUT ME" he lets out an angry laugh "you never smile at me, is it because I'm not funny? God I know I'm boring compared to everyone but don't make me fight for you Tsukki, I don't want to have to fight for my best friends love" he starts sobbing, and I don't know why, but I run, and I mean run, to Yamaguchi and hug him tightly

"You'll never have to fight for my love Yamaguchi, I smile at you when I'm proud of you, and that's everytime we're together, I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to compete" I press kisses to his hair and I don't know what's came over me

He looks at me, with his glassy green eyes and pink cheeks

I lean in and kiss him, and he kisses back, and we forget all the homework we had and lay back, nuzzling into eachother and not speaking another word

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