Sunday Morning

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((For Farato ❤️❤️))

'Why the fuck are you awake at 6 o'clock on a Sunday, Kei?' my brain had a point, why WAS I awake at 6 o'clock on a Sunday?  Well I can blame it on Daylight Savings as much as I want but in the end Yamaguchi Tadashi is the one to blame. Daylight Savings, meaning the sun comes up earlier than anybody wants it to, especially me. I had only needed to go to the bathroom, when I came back the early sun beams had found their way onto Tadashi's body, making his skin and freckles glow like nothing I had ever seen before, I was in dazed state because he looked beautiful, he does every day but this was different.

I slid in bed beside him and that's where I am currently, connecting his freckles like the stars he wants to study once we're out of school. I worry sometimes, I've decided I want to become a palaeontologist and Tadashi hasn't decided between a volleyballer or an astronomer but either way we'd be spending a lot of time away from each other and who knows if that would lead to a break up or not.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and sigh, flopping over on my back, it isn't even 7 o'clock yet and I already feel like an asshole, terrific. Y'know those days were you think one bad thing about yourself and then all of the sudden all of your insecurities just come rushing out and you  just push anyone you love away so you don't feel like their burden? Welcome to my morning.

I grumble at myself and get out of bed, snatching up the spare blanket and heading to the living room. The pull out bed isn't the nicest thing to lie on but I guess it'll do, I know Tadashi doesn't like waking up alone, but it's better than him knowing I'm still having the thoughts about our futures. He had begged me to stop thinking about it, he told me I was being ridiculous and we laughed it off. He never asks me to do anything, but the one thing he asked me to do, I can't do. I start to think about things I shouldn't, like why he even said yes to being my boyfriend and why he hasn't left my side.

When I come back to reality its 7:38 o'clock and I can hear shuffling. Tadashi plops down beside me and his green eyes are tired and not quite ready to shine like always.
"T-Tsukki-"He yawns and rubs his eye with his fist "It's almost 8 in the morning on a Sunday. Why are you awake?"

"Daylight Savings" I grunt, looking over at a picture of Hinata and Tadashi "the sun is annoying" I quickly add, turning my attention away from anything other than Hinata's stupid, grinning face, stupid me though, trying to hide something from Yamaguchi Tadashi, the boy who knows me best.

"Tsukki, don't tell me you were thinking about our futures again" his eyes are open and wide now, not shining, just filled with sadness and a dash of anger. I keep silent, sighing a little when he looks down at his lap. "Tsukki, when the time comes we'll short it out, we still have years to decide where and what we want to be and heck maybe in time you might not want to be a palaeontologist and maybe I'll wanna become a hairdresser or something I don't know but I do know that I love you Tsukki, and I just wish you could see how much I do" I look over at him and his green eyes are now puffy and red, it hurts to see him like this but it hurts more to know I'm the one who caused it.

"Tadashi, I love you so much but I can't help thinking about if I'm going to lose you or not, you're the greatest thing that has happened to me and I can't afford to just let you go-"I'm cut off by his lips on mine and it's the best thing I've felt this morning, he pulls away too soon and looks at me with those shiny green eyes I've been waiting for

"I can't tell you what to think, but as long as you know I love you and I'm staying with you forever, I'm perfectly fine" he beams, kissing my nose, I smile and hug him tight, pulling him into my lap "by the way I taped Jurassic Park, you wanna watch it~" He giggles, waving the remote around, I snicker and cover his face with kisses

"Chris Pratt?" I whisper, smirking

"Sam Neill" he grins, licking his lips

"Can we get married right now?" I whisper and he giggles, grinning at me.

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