CHAPTER 4: *bing*

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Peter pushed the door of his Aunt May's house open with joy, resulting in an expected slam.

"OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOMG AUNT MAY YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO I JUST MET AT THE VEGAN STORE!" He shouted towards his aunt, who was making meatballs in the kitchen.

"No Peter! I do not! So please refrain from yelling in my ear." She said, making Peter cough uncomfortably. "Now, who did you meet at the vegan store?" Peter grinned yet again.

"Okay so you know how I'm a genius right?"

"Yes, Peter, everyone must know that by now."

"Okay, okay, okay so I was in the store right? And I was reaching for the eggs and this other guy, wow, this other guy who happened to be staring at the egg aisle TURNED OUT TO BE THE GENIUS BRUCE BANNER!"

"Oh wow! Good for you Peter! Do you think he could get you a job?" She asked.

"Uh, gee, I dunno Aunt May, it was just one time and... I think he would have forgotten my name, you know, being part of the Avengers and all..."

"That's fine Petey, did you get the milk like I asked?" Peter froze. He pulled out the eggs from his bag.

"I thought you asked for eggs..."

"Oh I did Peter, I just wanted to make sure you actually listened." Aunt May took the eggs from Peter and continued working on the meatballs.

"Yeah okay Aunt May! Uh, I'll be in my room listening to music so you'll need to call me if you need anything."

"Okay Peter, dinner will be ready in a few hours or less."

"Alright!" Shouted Peter as he ran up the stairs towards his room.

The teenager pulled his suit out of a hidden drawer underneath his bed and slipped it on.

Not bad. Peter thought as he admired himself in the mirror. If he were to wear his regular street clothes, Peter would look like some tall guy just passing by. Put on the red and blue spandex... damn... not to brag or anything, but he looked good. Thin? Yes. Flexible? DEFINITELY. A noodle? Not under all the layers of clothes he wears.

Peter, now known as Spider-Man, slipped out of his bedroom window and swung into Time Square.


Spider-Man coughed repetitively on top of one of the buildings. The vigilante had saved a family from a fire and The Daily Bugle still had the guts to call him a menace.Seriously, what does have against me anyways? Okay... I guess leaving New York in ruins for a while didn't really help anyone... but on the bright side I made the Avengers seem more epic for defeating Ultron without my help... right?

Peter's thoughts were cut off when someone ran past him at a speed faster than the average villain. He got up from where he previously sat and went into a fighting stance. A feminine voice cut through the silence.

"Hey Spidey!" Peter turned around and saw a crazy hot woman with blond hair so light that it would have looked silver to any normal person. She wore an intensely tight cat suit that showed all the right curves, with white fur on the back of her long black boots and gloves and the same fur lining her long V-neck cat-suit that was zipped down so low that you would wonder when the whole suit would snap. "Hey, your ass looks sooo much better than it does on TV by the way hun." Spider-Man ignored the last word and the purr in the woman's voice as he eyed her with suspicion.

"Who are you?" The woman pouted and licked her plump rose lips.

"I know baby, kinda hard being a known cat burglar if nobody can see you. My name is Black Cat sweet cheeks." She said, walking towards Spider-Man. Peter trusted his spidey sense when Black Cat decided to rolled his mask up half way. She kissed him and he tensed, staying as still as a statue when Black Cat smirked and turned around.

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