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The rest of the story will be in Luke's pov in case you get confused.

I stand in front of the dorm, hoping my new roommate isn't a total douche. I open the door and there stands two boys making out. I clear my throat awkwardly hoping the two would stop their make-out session.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." The tan boys says. "I'll be going now." He chuckles kissing his, I'm guessing boyfriend goodbye.

The tan boy walks over to me, "I'm Calum by the way."

"Luke." I respond. The boy walks out slamming the door behind him.

"I'm Michael, sorry about that." I watch the boy set some of his stuff on his desk, he's beautiful.

"That's fine." I say setting my box down on the non-taken bed.

I walk out of our room to my car to get two more of my boxes, as I was about to close my door Michael grabs my last box and bag.

"You didn't have to do that, I could've got it." I carefully walk up the stairs hoping not to trip and embarrass myself.

"It's no problem dude." We walk into the room and set the boxes down.

"You don't mind if I hang some posters up right?" I ask turning to face him.

"As long as they're good bands." Michael chuckles.

"I'm guessing by your shirt you won't mind, we have the same music taste." I say getting my posters out.

I start hanging my band posters, some oldies some bands from now. I admire my progress and Michael stands beside me, "Man you have a great taste in music." He laughs, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. His laugh is beautiful. I shouldn't be thinking like that, I'm not here to crush on a boy I'm here to get a good education and graduate.

After 20 minuets of hanging my posters, Calum walks in.

"Wow man, that's a lot of posters. You have good taste in music." He admires the posters with me.

"Thank you." I smile and continue to unpack my other belongings.

"Hey Luke do you wanna go to a bonfire with us?" Calum asks.

"No, but thanks for asking." I say and stuff my clothes in my closet shelf.

"Oh well, I'll see you later than." Michael says leaving with Calum.

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