Chapter 3: The Creepypasta Mansion! Meeting some pastas...?

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When they arrived at a house, LuLu was hanging and swinging on Slenderman's legs. "Can I please have a piggyback ride?!" She asked and she tried to climb onto his back, but he always pushed her down.

When they arrived at an abandoned mansion, Slenderman was able to get LuLu off of him, "Well... come inside..." He said as he seemed to teleport inside the house.

The teens were still standing outside wondering what was waiting inside of the abandoned, yet looking brand new, mansion.

Finally Queenie spoke up, "Well! lets go! I wanna see who or what is waiting for us inside this mansion!" She said opening the door with Charisma, LuLu, Reeree, and Ethan following her inside.

Once the teens were inside, the door slammed shut behind them, and they all pulled out their killing weapons, except Ethan, who put his headphones back on when they had followed Slenderman.

"Who the hell did that?" Charisma hissed. Something fell to the floor and they all jumped at the sound. Everything was so dark that they couldn't see in front of them.

"Queenie quit poking me in my kidney!" ReeRee growled at her.

"I'm not poking you! And LuLu, quit shoving me!"

"But that's not me! Charisma keeps pulling my hair!" She responded.

"Whoever keeps poking me, stop it, its starting to hurt!" ReeRee said in a distressed voice.

"I'm going to find the light switch!" Charisma exclaimed about five feet to LuLu's right.

"Guys... why do you all sound so... far... away?" Reeree gasped in a raspy voice. When the light turned on, ReeRee was on the ground in a pool of her own blood, unconscious.

"What the fuck!?" Queenie and LuLu dropped to the ground, talking all at once.

"Who the hell did this?"

"I knew that we couldn't trust Slenderman!" Charisma was still by the light switch, then she hear a clicking sound no one else heard. It was closer to her.

"Guys! I heard a click. I think it was a door somewhere." They all looked at her.

"But it's closer to me." She said listening for anything else. She looked at the rug in the living room. She walked over to it, and threw it to reveal a trapdoor.

She assumed it was to the basement, and a heavy blood smell wafted up from it. Charisma lifted the door with the and a ladder fell down with a crash. It was dark in there, so she grabbed a flashlight from Ethan's backpack.

"Come on." LuLu grunted as she lifted up ReeRee, with Queenie and Ethan following. They went down into the basement.

The smell of blood was getting stronger than before. There were shelves lined with many ice chests. They didn't know what was inside, they didn't want to. Charisma growled.

"I wonder who's these are." Queenie covered her nose from the stench.

"I smell chemicals... like someone is cleaning something up... Let's hurry before she loses too much blood."

They looked around the lined shelves and found and ice chest labeled with today's date. "Is this hers?" Queenie asked.

"Has to be. It's small enough." LuLu said as she lifted the lid to the box. They walked to the ladder and started climbing up.

When they got back in the living room, Charisma looked for a needle and thread to sew ReeRee up, and quickly found one. Queenie stepped aside when she got back.

"Thank you for stopping the blood. Let's hope my sewing skills are good enough..." She said as she rolled up her sleeves. She put the kidney in place and sewed up the arteries and sinews as best she could, then mended her stomach. ReeRee's cheeks regained some of their color. She groaned, but didn't wake up.

A love for CreepyPasta {DISCONTINUED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon