Chapter 5: New Relationships?!

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A new day in the CreepyPasta Mansion and for some reason BEN was up earlier than everyone else, even though he loves to sleep more than anyone, except maybe Queenie. It was around 6:00Am.

Queenie rubbed her eyes and looked at the others. She had awoken from a loud bang and a thump downstairs.

"Lulu wake up... I heard a noise." She whispered into Lulu's ear pushing her side a little.

"Then go look..." Lulu said annoyed and half asleep.

"Fine." Queenie shoved her in the side, then tip toed out of the room. She began to walk down the stairs covered in her favorite blanket, hoping the steps didn't squeak too much. Once she got to the bottom she nearly tripped over BEN. He was holding his shin in pain.

"Ssssss~ ah..." BEN said cradling his shin close to his chest. Queenie almost stepped on a game that had fallen out of his hands when he fell.

"Don't hurt yourself. And in case you didn't know there's a staircase behind you." She said sarcastically. BEN rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for the tip." He winced with a sideways smile. BEN let go of his leg and crawled over toward the game he had knocked toward Queenie.

Queenie put her foot on the game. "Well I wish you had known about the stairs first, before you decided to wake me up from my sleep. A face like this doesn't just happen. You need to rest it." She said picking up the game.

"Can I have the game back please?" BEN looked at her. She smiled.

"Hm... let me think about it......... Nope!!!" Queenie giggled then ran toward the couch. BEN quickly got up and chased Queenie, tackling her onto the sofa.

Queenie had hidden the game in her blanket. BEN looked down at her, "Please tell me you didn't put it in there." He said pointing at her chest with pink cheeks. Queenie laughed.

"No.... Maybe..... Yes." She lifted the blanket to show half the box hanging out of her bra. BEN frowned, then stared there for a couple seconds, face pinker than before. His ears twitched adorably.

BEN was still on top of Queenie as she lay on the couch. They eventually looked up at each others eyes. "Hey uh... BEN... can I tell you something..." She bashfully looked down at her chest as she pulled the blanket back around her shoulders.

"Uh... Yeah go ahead." BEN said getting off of her then sitting on the side of the sofa. She squirmed uncomfortably as she sat up.

"Listen... Well.... the day me and my friends first arrived here... I saw... well saw you and I.... I-I..." Queenie shyly uttered, almost inaudible.

BEN quickly grabbed her hand and said, "I like you too... A lot........" He seemed to have said that without thinking because his whole face flushed a deep shade of red. He bolted up from the couch and ran to the next empty room.

Queenie sat there in shock. Butterflies exploded from her chest in a strange painful happiness. She sat there for a while, thoughts bounced around her skull, each one faster and less tangible than the next. She didn't know whether to smile, or laugh, or scream, or vomit even. She was interrupted by sudden, slow clapping that made her jump out of her skin. InSaNiTy was standing in the doorway, a smug smile on her face.

"Bravo! Best soap opera I've ever seen! Encore! Encore!" She said looking at Queenie, who had stricken a defensive pose, "Oh how young love never ceases to amaze me and bring me to tears!" She feigned wiping a tear from her eyes.

"Hey you're not much older than me........... WAIT WERE YOU WATCHING THE WHOLE THING!?!?!" Queenie gasped and flushed pink. InSaNiTy giggled.

"Ever since the stairs." She confirmed. Queenie nearly fainted.

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