Chapter 7: The keeper of our dreams.

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"Okay, will you tell us who Starr Whatzamacallit or Dreamscape or whatever is now???" BEN asked Slenderman. The two girls had been surprised that he hadn't known, seeing as he had been here longer than they had.

"She is an... interesting woman." He said. The three of them looked at him expectantly, he just stared back.

"And?" Queenie prompted. "Why do you seem so apprehensive about telling us?" She crossed her arms indignantly as ReeRee nodded vigorously beside her.

"She is a woman who can enter our minds, even against our will, whenever she wants, especially when we sleep. And the only way to contact her is through a sleep-like state that I will put us all in at 3:00 a.m. That is the only way." He replied darkly. ReeRee peeped up.

"But if it's easier to enter our minds when we sleep, then why will we be sleeping?" She peered at him with wide eyes. He sighed and rubbed the spot where the bridge of his nose would be.

"She lives on a different plane than us. One that is constantly moving and changing, one where time does not exist. I can go there, and I do, when I teleport. I'm not really teleporting I just move in a timeless plane and thus to you, I seem to be moving faster than the human eye."

The girls cocked their heads in unison. Queenie had a little bit of drool hanging out of her mouth. BEN looked to the ground, distant.

"Uhg... I really hate explaining this part to the people of this plane..." He groaned. "Look. We have to go there because we do. It's the only way."

"Okay. What do we have to do?" Queenie asked.

"Everything I tell you to."


She looked at the clock. It was 2:49. Almost time.

"Hey, Slendy?! Where are you? How do we do this?" Queenie yelled from her spot on the floor, sitting cross-legged next to ReeRee, Eyeless Jack, and BEN in a c shape. EJ had been filled in on the situation and instantly opted to go with them. He said it was because if they ever got in trouble, five bodies are better than four, but they all knew it was to burst in like superman if ReeRee felt scared.

Charisma wanted to come along too, but Slendy told her she couldn't. He just didn't have enough power to bring more than four people across, plus himself. When she had whined about it not being fair, Slendy simply told her that it was only fair that Lulu's closest friends came to find her and that he needed his proxies to come along as well because they had more experience. To this she grumbled a bit and shuffled up to her room.

A loud static sound came from the kitchen that made their ears ring. "You okay in there?!" Queenie asked again.

"Yes! I'm doing just fine! Just wait a short while longer!" Slendy replied from the kitchen. They still had no idea what he was doing, except maybe EJ. If he did, he didn't let on. ReeRee sighed loudly, impatiently. Queenie silently agreed. She looked at the other two.

EJ sat in solemn silence, barely even moving. When ReeRee elbowed him in the side, he just looked at her for a moment, took her hand in his, and resumed his stillness. BEN, on the other hand, looked utterly terrified. His face and knuckles were pale, and he was clammy to the touch. His face, however, was the calmest she'd ever seen it, and that's what scared her the most. And he hadn't said a word since they sat down.

"Hey, BEN. You okay?" He looked at her, raging tranquillity in his eyes.

"I'm great. Why do you ask?" He said in cool, collected voice. He was certainly not alright! This was freaking her out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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