Tylers sister

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Donnie POV

"Tyler do you um remember how you became a mutant?" I said and he nodded sitting down on a bed back at the lair. "Do you care to tell me?" I said and he nodded again.

"Me and my sister cupcake were walking though town when we met these weird men and they wanted us to go in there car. Cupcake didn't didn't let me get in the van she said it was dangerous. The men threw her in the van and drove off. Of course the didn't leave me behind they had two vans and they put me in the other one.
When we stopped they out me in a cage and I went into a portal. I saw there home and where they live.... they were suppose to make the perfect mutant so they used me.
I was put to many experiments many of them being painful but it didn't break my spirit. One day I had broke out stole there only access to earth and left." He said.

"Ok but what happened to your sister?" I said a little concerned. "I never saw her after that..." he said looking down. "Well I'm sorry if she was taken im sure she will return someday..." I said.

"But for now I need to take a blood test to see what you were mixed with" I said and took out a needle. It looked like he was panicking when I showed him the needle so I'm guessing he did not like to get shots.

Raph and leo walked in and I asked them to hold Tyler down so I could get a blood sample. Leo held his arms while raph held his legs and tail. I stuck the needle in his body and he started taking deep breaths.

I took the needle out and placed a band aid there. Suddenly is felt arms around me Tyler was hugging me. "Sorry I'm hugging you donnie I just really need some comfort after something happens" he said.

Tyler let go of me and I went to the computer to see what was in him. I gasped. "Your a dragon mutant!!!!" I yelled and he nodded. "How can this be possible dragons aren't real dragons don't exist there just figures of my imagination and I'm just talking to a regular boy we found in the sewers!" I started randomly saying.

Tyler slapped me in the face and I looked at him "did you just slap me?!?!" I said and he nodded "it was the only way to shut you up" he said and I nodded "your probably right" I replied.

"Anyway I'm gonna go check on something" I said and left my lab and into the living room. I looked around and spotted the egg I picked it up and walked back in the lair. "Cool your guys have and egg! Is there another mutant turtle in there?" He said and I nodded "I need to check if it's a boy or girl" I said and hooked it up to a devise

I looked at my computer and waited for it to analyze everything then the results came up. "Yes I was right it is a boy raph owes me 10 dollars!" I said and picked up the egg. "I think well name him mikelangelo (Mikey) hamato ..." I said and Tyler nodded in agreement.

Suddenly the egg started moving I called my brothers in again and they looked at the egg. Suddenly the egg rolled towards the edge of the desk and fell off. We all panicked until the egg broke from the fall and I the egg was a little mutant turtle with freckles and light blue eyes.

"Well hello there Mikey" I said and my brothers looked at me. "His name is Mikey? I thought we chose him to be jack!" Said raph and leo disagreed "I think Mikey is a much better name" said leo and raph sighed.

"D" said Mikey and donnie picked him up"is he trying to say your name? Donnie?" Said raph and I shrugged. "Don!" said Mikey and he grabbed onto my face "he likes you donnie or should I say don?" Said leo and I sighed.

"Well you should be happy! These are his first things he's saying" I said and they smiled. Mikey yawned and rubbed his eyes signaling that he was tired and wanted to sleep.

Leo picked him up and looked into his blue eyes. Leo acted like a father to Mikey and lifted him up and carried him to his bedroom placing him in a small bed. "Weo" he said tiredly and fell asleep soon after. "Goodnight bro" said leo and he walked out of Mikey's room.

"Suddenly we heard something and we saw a girl with blonde hair and at the ends were red. She had wings and had combat boots with leather leggings and hand a leather jacket as well. She had royals blue eyes and looked at me with them.

"Can you help me find my brother?"


Hey guys I just wanted to say that cupcake is love_everyone14 not my character but hers. And I just want to say that it has been awesome living in this world but just want to let you know about the plains crashing into the two buildings...911!!!

But anyway comment on what you think and vote!!!! Bye!!!

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