Part Two - It's Only the Beginning

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Part Two: It’s Only the Beginning

The lights began to flicker. A scream echoed throughout the building, and everyone began to panic. I thought the whole thing had to be a trick at first, something to add to the experience. But nobody laughed. The panic in people’s faces was real. The expression on Mark’s face was more full of fear than I had ever seen it. Something was really wrong, and it all seemed somehow connected to the game.

The game! It couldn’t be a coincidence that all this was happening right after the game intro. What if this game was based on something real? What if it was actually happening? And I realized that everyone was clearing out in a panic. The room, the whole building, actually, was emptying. Mark and I were frozen in place. We couldn’t be alone.

“We’ve gotta go, Mark! We have to leave!” I stuttered, having trouble getting words out.

“Oh-Okay, yeah. Come on, let’s stay together and get out of here before all the lights go out.”

It was now storming outside, so the flickering lights actually did make sense, and they were flickering more frequently every second. Every clap of thunder made me feel like the whole place was going to go dark. Luckily, people had prepared for this weather, and there were flashlights nearby. Mark and I each hurriedly grabbed one and began to find our way to the nearest exit.

Unfortunately, the nearest exit was a long way, and before we could reach it, a giant roll of thunder and lightning made the lights completely go out, and darkness surrounded us.

I grabbed Mark’s hand like a scared little girl, and he switched on his flashlight. I felt dumb, but I had seen way too many creepy movies and shows to feel the least bit safe in the dark, in an unfamiliar place, where something weird was going on.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, and I reluctantly let go of him.

“It’s fine, I was startled too. We need to stick together anyways so we can both get out of here safe.” Mark took my hand back to make me feel more secure.

“Do you remember which way to go? Because I don’t,” I said.

“Yeah, it’s this way. This is so weird, nobody’s in sight anymore. I don’t even see or hear anymore stragglers. How did everyone get so far ahead when we weren’t even being that slow?” Mark wondered.

“I don’t know.” It really didn’t make sense how everyone was gone all of a sudden, as if they had all vanished into thin air. But at that moment, I didn’t care. All I cared about was leaving.

Mark seemed to know his way around as if he had lived in the place his whole life, which was extremely lucky for me. He easily made his way through the maze of a building, and I made sure to stay close behind, scared for my life.

“Okay, the exit is down this hallway,” Mark finally muttered, and relief surged through me. I could see the double doors, and it was the best thing I had seen all day. Mark and I picked up speed and before either of us knew it, we were running, sprinting towards the exit that wasn’t getting any closer to us.

“Is it just me, or are we not getting any nearer to the doors?” I asked, breathing heavily.

“We’re not. And this hallway wasn’t even that long earlier, I swear.”

We slowed down to a walk, completely baffled at the situation. Once again, it felt like some kind of trick. Was it April Fools day or something? I thought for a moment, but no. It was July. I had seen this in a game Mark had played before - the exit didn’t get any closer until his character had run for an extremely long time - but what was the point in continuing? We both were already out of breath and we had no idea how much farther until the hallway would finally end. I felt like I was inside a horror game when I would have much rather just been playing one.

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