Part Three - A New Trio

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Part Three: A New Trio

Paralyzed from shock, it took me a moment to realize what was happening, and Mark had to grab my arm and pull me until I could get my feet to work. Once I came to my senses, I broke out into a full speed sprint, making my heart almost beat right out of my chest. I was running almost faster than Mark now, but I knew that I couldn’t keep up this pace for long. I prayed that we could find an escape quickly. Who knew how fast the crazy guy behind us could run? With this thought, I risked a glance over my shoulder, only to realize that the man wasn’t chasing after us. He was walking, just casually walking.

“What are you doing? Hurry up!” Mark breathed, realizing I had slowed down.

“He’s not even trying to keep up with us…he’s just walking,” I answered in a confused tone.

Mark looked behind us and realized that I was right, but it didn’t change much.

“He’s still heading our way though, and we still need to get out. Or at least get far enough ahead to be able to hide out for a while. This guy’s trouble, if he’s anything like his character in that game.”

Mark and I did get extremely far ahead of the strange man. We reached the end of the hallway that we had almost wasted our time in and took a left turn. The guy would know to look down this way, but there were so many mini hallways branching off of the area and rooms that he would have a field day trying to find us in a timely manner.

“Okay, where are we going now?” I said softly with the small amount of breath I had left, in case we could be heard.

“This way!”

We chose one of the hallways that branched off of the area and took as complicated of a detour as possible before we chose a closet as our temporary hideout.

Once in there, I propped myself up against a wall and slid down into a sitting position. Maybe it hadn’t been very much running, but to me, it had seemed like a lot. I was completely out of breath and I felt so out of shape. Luckily, Mark was tired too, and it made me feel a little better.

“Sorry about all the running,” he gasped, finding air.

“Don’t apologize, we needed to get far away. And I doubt he’ll be able to find us, we took a lot of turns and there are a ton of different places for him to look,” I explained, once I caught my breath.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting for our breathing and our heart rates to go back to normal. I reflected for a moment and realized that not only had my dream of meeting Mark come true today, but I was spending most of my day with him, at the least. Entering the doors hours earlier, I had never expected anything remotely cool to happen. I was way too used to having my dreams torn apart to get my hopes up too much. And yet, here I was, next to Markiplier.

“Mark, how do you think this even happened?” I asked, surprised to hear my own voice thinking out loud.

“I don’t know. It seems like something that would happen in a movie.”

“Well I guess it’s my lucky day then. I’ve always thought it would be cool to star in a horror movie,” I answered truthfully, causing Mark to chuckle.

“You call this lucky?”

“Well, maybe not this. But meeting you earlier, that was pretty lucky. I didn’t really expect it to happen. And then the fact that you invited me up there with you, that was so cool.” I began feeling dumb, like I had when I first spoke to him earlier that day.

“Hey, it’s the least I could do. And to be honest, you seemed kind of different than everyone else I talked to. You still do,” Mark assured me. Different? In what way? I almost thought for a moment that instead of a horror movie, we were starring in some kind of romance, and he was telling me his true feelings for me. But I realized this was stupid. I was nothing but a fan girl, and that was all I’d ever be. I was hopeful that Mark and I could be friends and keep in touch after the craziness of the day was over, but even that seemed like a stretch. How illogical could I be? Even so, I was trapped in a closet with a guy I had been longing to talk to for months, so I tried to get an explanation.

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