Part Seven - Goodbyes

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Part Seven: Goodbyes

Alex Emmerton. That was the name of the guy who had created Not Alone, we quickly found out. Mark had easily found the email from him, as it had been sent only a few days previously. From the email, he sounded like a pretty decent guy. Hopefully decent enough to take down the game he probably took a month out of his time to create.

“So, what exactly are we going to say again?” Mark looked so comfortable sitting at his computer where he was so used to being. I wondered if it felt out of place for him to be there without his webcam recording his shenanigans.

“Well, first look up Comicon news. See if there’s any proof anywhere. If we don’t have anything to go off of, he won’t believe us. Weren’t you the one telling me that earlier?” I reminded him.

It was almost too easy for us to find the familiar story online. From the news stories, we found that there had actually been other witnesses who had seen Eyes and who had called the police. Nobody had gotten hurt, but apparently he had made threats. We dug deeper into articles and found a couple pictures of Eyes himself, taken by news reporters that we had barely escaped from when finally leaving the eerie home of ComiCon the day before. If that wasn’t good enough proof, then I didn’t know what was.

“Should we include some visual evidence of Sarah?” Mark asked, glancing at her.

“If he wants it. Let’s just email him with links to the articles and pictures and our story and give him your Skype name for if he wants to talk face to face and see her for himself,” I decided. We did just that, making sure to choose the right words in our narration of what really happened. I was afraid I would grow quickly impatient waiting for Alex to reply, but he answered back speedily with a request to Skype us.

When he did call on Skype and Mark answered, I felt strange. This was the man that created the chaos we’d been living in. Somewhere in his perfectly average looking self was the diabolical, genius mind behind the game.

“Oh my goodness, you really are Sarah, just how I had envisioned you to be!” Alex raved when he saw her. Sarah seemed to feel awkward, staring at her creator through a computer screen.

“So, you do believe our story, don’t you?” I asked Alex, trying to get him to snap out of his amazement with Sarah.

“Yes, of course I do. I wouldn’t expect Markiplier of all people to play as cruel of a trick on a fan as spamming him with a false story like this anyways, but the evidence was pretty convincing, too,” he replied.

“Well, you know your characters best. You know how innocent Sarah is and how dangerous Eyes is. I would never ask anyone to just completely destroy their game. Of course, I never really got to play yours, but I think I have a good enough idea of it, and it obviously was made well enough for it to come true. But who knows what could happen with it. If something as crazy as this has happened once, it could happen again. Sarah actually suggested doing something about your game, just to keep everyone safe. So, um, would you consider…” Mark rambled on. He didn’t seem to know how to ask his fan a favor.

“What he’s trying to say is, we want to know if you would consider taking your game down. Not get rid of it completely. Eyes is jail bound, so that’s fine. Sarah doesn’t deserve to be destroyed with the rest of your hard work. But we’re concerned. Especially Sarah,” I explained.

“Hey, I know how crazy and scary that man is. I just don’t want him to harm anyone else, especially not all because of me. I want everyone else to be able to be safe,” Sarah added. We were glad to see that Alex was very accepting of the huge amount of information and requests that were so suddenly being thrown at him.

“Of course. I understand completely. I mean, if I would have known something like this would happen, I would have never created the game. Well, okay, I would have kept you, Sarah, but maybe I would have incorporated you into some cool adventure game or some other pleasant atmosphere. I’d be glad to take it down. But as for the people who have already downloaded it, I can’t do much about that,” Alex warned.

“Oh we know, but if anyone is able to put two and two together from the news and pictures online and realize what happened, they’ll delete it and avoid playing it. Maybe I can even upload a video warning them not to play it. I don’t know exactly what to say, but I could figure it out,” Mark answered.

“Sure, that would be fine. Whatever works. Okay, I’m on my site now. And…it has officially been taken down.”

For some reason I was afraid that I would look over at Sarah and she would suddenly disappear into thin air, gone with the game. But no, she was still perfectly intact. As long as the game stayed on Alex’s computer. Everything would be fine.

Mark and Sarah chatted with Alex for a while longer, so Alex could ask Mark all the questions he, as a big fan, had for him and so Sarah could get to know her creator a little better. I, however, wasn’t really in the mood to talk with Alex anymore. Everything was going to be better now, but I had to explain some things to my family and friends. That wasn’t easy at all, and I still refused to tell them that Not Alone had happened in real life. I described Sarah as a new friend I met at Comicon who had some similar interests and I failed to mention that Eyes happened to look and act exactly the way he did in the game. My parents were relieved to find out I was okay, as were my friends. After the long conversations with everyone, I felt drained.

By the time I was done explaining things on the phone, Sarah and Mark had been done with Skype for a few minutes. Sarah was in her own little world on her phone, still in the computer room, while Mark had come out to see what I was doing.

“Did you call your parents?” he asked as he plopped down next to me on the couch in his living room.

“Yeah, and my friends. I told them what all happened. Minus the part that Sarah and Eyes are from a horror game. They freaked out a little but they were all just really glad to hear that everything was okay,” I spilled.

“Are they really anxious for you to get back home?” he guessed. I just nodded. I would have to return to my normal life now, after a couple days of weirdness and excitement.

“Well, will you stay at least until tonight? Of course you should head out before it gets too late, it’s a bit of a drive, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but I’ll stay for a while. I don’t really even want to leave. You’d think I’d want to go back home where everything is normal, but I don’t.” It was true. I had two new friends that I felt like I had spent a whole lifetime with rather than a couple days. Those couple days had felt like much longer, and this almost seemed like something that could become the new normal for me - being at Mark’s in Ohio with him and Sarah.

“Well, you can come and visit anytime. Or Sarah and I could visit you. I think she’s gonna stay here in Cincinnati for a while, by the way. And I mean, I have to see you soon sometime anyways, for that date you agreed to.” I grinned at this. Even with Mark’s busy life and Sarah’s chaotic one, I knew they would keep in touch and stay close. My life at home wasn’t just going to go back to normal. It couldn’t. But it would be the good different that Mark had described me as.

I stayed with Sarah and Mark well into the late afternoon, until I decided I needed to head home. Since I had carpooled with my friends to ComiCon and my car was back home, Mark drove me, and Sarah came with. We enjoyed the ride as much as we could, knowing that it might be a while before we all could physically be together again. But when they gave me their last goodbye hugs, I wasn’t upset, really. I was strangely joyful, knowing that it wasn’t really the end for all of us.

Thanks so much for reading my fan fiction! I really hope you enjoyed it! I apologize if the ending seemed abrupt, I just felt that it was a good point to end it at, and I’m a sucker for happy endings. I really enjoyed writing this, and if you want me to, I’d be willing to write an epilogue to explain a little more about what happens to all the characters after the madness, to make up for the quick ending. If you’d like me to write one, please let me know in the comments. Also, feel free to comment with other general feedback, I’d love to hear what you have to say J

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