Part Five - One Last Fight

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Part Five: One Last Fight

“Do you think it’s safe to go out there yet?” Sarah asked as we listened to the scuffle outside. We could probably go out there to let the police know where we were and maybe one of them would even get us to safety. But then again, it didn’t sound like things were going too smoothly out there.

“I don’t know…maybe we should wait another minute or two,” I decided, just to be safe.

We waited, and from what we could hear, nothing had really been resolved. There was still plenty of yelling going on, but we couldn’t sit there and wait forever.

“Maybe we should go out there, or at least see what’s happening,” Mark announced. We all got up and headed to the door, but as soon as we got to it, there were gunshots, and the air was suddenly still and eerily quiet. The three of us exchanged glances and stood motionless for a few seconds, waiting for some kind of response from someone outside. When no such thing was heard, Mark opened the door and Sarah and I followed him out.

Two policeman were lying on the floor with blood flowing out of what seemed to be bullet holes straight through their hearts. They appeared to be dead, and one of them had a gun lying there with him while the other’s gun seemed to be missing. Eyes was nowhere in sight, as if he had already escaped, and most likely with the gun. Great, now he had a weapon again, and we no longer had the police there to protect us.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Sarah wondered, looking somberly at the motionless men.

“We’ll have to take care of him ourselves, I guess,” Mark answered, taking the gun from the one policeman.

“Have you ever actually used a gun? Do you know what you’re doing with that thing?” Sarah asked, when Mark began walking, gun in hand, and motioned for us to follow.

“Well, I have a pretty good idea of how it works. I just figured I should be the one to take it. Unless you want it?” He handed it over to Sarah, who refused to take it.

“No thanks, you can have it. I would probably end up shooting the ceiling or something if I tried. I guess you’d probably be the best with it, unless Ryana thinks she’s a good shot,” Sarah explained. Ha, what a funny joke. I had never been anywhere near a gun in my life, let alone been close to shooting one. I think we all trusted Mark with it the most, even though he probably had little to no actual experience with guns other than in games.

“Nope, it’s all Mark’s. I think we should try to find some other weapons though, in case we run out of ammo or something,” I said, deciding I would feel more secure if I could at least say I had something to protect me.

“Well, where are we supposed to find weapons in a place like this? I doubt that there are any just lying around,” Sarah asked.

This was true. But we did find a gun with the police. They had to be armed with other things. Like, tasers, most likely. Being that my aunt was licensed to have one, I had actually seen one up close and personal before, and I knew how to use it.

“Wait, before we get too far, I want to check the policemen again. They might have more than just guns. Eyes seemed to leave pretty quickly, I doubt he searched for anything they might have on them other than their guns. If they have tasers, Sarah and I can take them and I’ll teach her how to use one,” I declared, turning back towards the men.

“Eyes? Who’s Eyes?” Mark asked.

“Oh, he’s the guy that’s trying to kill us all. It’s just a name I’ve decided to give him,” I answered.

When we got back to the men, I realized I had no interest in getting too close to dead bodies any time soon, and Sarah and I made Mark look for something, anything we could use as protection. I hoped for tasers and we were extremely lucky to find them. I was suddenly so glad that I had gotten such a simple idea.

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