Chapter 5

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"Impressive, would you like a round of applause?" he smirked, clapping his hands lightly. My face flushed with anger.

"If you think I'm going to let an asshole like you stay in my house, then you've got a hell of a lot coming," I hissed, shoving him against the chest, because he had stepped toward me as we had out little negotiation.

Apparently he was caught off guard, because he fell back and landed flat on his butt, an expression like a bewildered puppy on his face. I snickered. He didn't take it well. He jumped up faster than I would have ever thought possible and had me pinned against the ground in a second, both of my wrists secured behind my back.

"RAPE! RAPE!!!" I screached at the top of my voice. I knew he wasn't raping me, but I would do anything to get this psycho away from me. He clasped a hand over my mouth.

"God, would you shut up!?" he stage whispered. I struggled against his hands, but his grip was firm.

"Would you just hear me out?" he said in a normal voice, leaving the choice up to me. I leaned up and put my face close to his.

"," I said slowly, drawing out the two words so he would get the picture. I couldn't believe myself. I wasn't really the type of girl to be a potty mouth, but I was being driven to new extremes that I had never known lived in me. He seemed surprised.

"Okay, Princess potty mouth. If I let you up, you're not going to run away, scream, or hit me in the balls, right?" he smiled, hesitating to let me loose. I glared, but nodded. I figured it was the only way I was going to get this wacko off of me.

He nodded and released his hold on my wrists, standing up and offering me a hand. I ignored it and stood up on my own.

"Now," he said, all calm. "Let's negotiate, shall we?" he smiled an enchanting smile. I know I was supposed to hate him right now, but I couldn't help smile a little. I kinda liked that smile. I shook my head and frowned.

"There's nothing to negotiate," I said stiffly, turning away and crossing my arms. He smiled at me. He looped an arm around my waist, pulling me close so that his lips were at my ear.

"Aww, c'mon," he said. "Don't be like that. You know you wanna be roommates with me. I know you're just dying to be with me," he chuckled, his breath tickling my neck. I jerked away. It was one thing to tease me like that, but then being all flirty and sly like that wasn't something I was going to tolerate.

"I don't care what you say or what you do. There is absolutely no way in this known universe that I am going to let you stay in my house. Got it?" I said, looking him dead in the eye. I admit I was a little drowsy when I first came down, but I was wide away and there was nothing he could do that I wouldn't see. As I watched his expression go from calm to michievous and a sly smile creep across his face, I began to feel nervous. What extremes would Sebastian go to? I barely knew him at all, but I had a feeling I kinda had an idea of what he was capable of.

"You wanna bet?" he whispered so low I could barely hear. He suddenly whipped out and caught my wrist, pulling me until I banging into his chest. In just a few seconds he had me thrown across his shoulder, folded at the waist. Okay, that was definitely not what I expected.

Before I could say one word he was walking, striding off towards my front door, my head bobbing to the rhythm of his walk. I could sense him smiling. No, not smiling, but grinning. A grin so big it looked like it hurt his face. He glanced back at me, flashing his teeth.

"Say one word, and we'll be out of here without a second thought," he said in a voice that didn't match his smiley face. I scowled. This was unbelievable. The fact that a teenage guy whom I had thought completely helpless on the side of the street decided to come and crash in my room for who knows how long was just mindboggling.

I stayed quiet as he very impressively opened the door without as much as one squeak. His presence didn't make itself known. His footsteps were like those of a cat's, perfect control over where he was going without making a sound. I would have to make a note of that later.

He sauntered down the hallway, searching for my room, stopping at the end of the hall. He opened the door, not making a sound like before, and tossed me on the bed, closing the door silently behind him.

"Okay, you kidnapped me, now what?" I asked sarcastically. He smiled a little.

"Well, maybe you're the kind of girl that loves to stay up, but I however need my sleep."

"Dude, it's almost morning. And besides, I was completely asleep till you came along thank you very much," I almost growled. But I yawned in spite of myself. He laughed quietly. I gave up and got under the covers, snuggling into the soft sheets. Before I could even close my eyes, I felt Sebastian get in the bed beside me, wrapping an arm over my waste and nuzzling his face against my cheek like we were some kind of couple.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing?" I sat up, pushing him away. He opened his eyes dowsily.

"Aww, c'mon. Lay back down. You're so warm," he said, smiling a little. I hated his teasing. I shoved him until he landed with a smack onto the floor. I smiled in triumph.

"Ugnhh...what are you doing," he moaned, rubbing his head where it hit the floor.

"There is no chance in hell that I'm going to let you sleep in my bed," I said the words, clipped and short.

"Then where am I supposed to sleep?"

"On the floor."

His eyes snapped to mine, a hurt expression plastering itself on his face. If I hadn't known this guy and didn't hate his guts so much, this would have broke my heart. He gazed at me for a few seconds.

"You're not really going to make me sleep on the floor are you?" he asked sullenly, like i had just told him his mother had died. I nodded.

"But, I'm sick. And the floor is just so hard and cold," he said pathetically, resting his head on my hand where it lay on the bed. I tried to pull it out from under his head, but all I could do was run my fingers through his hair like I had the first time. His hair was so soft it was like cotton candy. I suddenly realized who he was and who I was and the situation we were in and jerked my hand away.

He turned away like a wounded puppy and sprawled out on my floor, his face in the crook of his arm. I felt a little guilty, but after what he put me through tonight I thought he deserved it. But I knew that wasn't entirely true.

But I turned away and lay back down, putting the whole Sebastian mess behind me to deal with in the morning.


When I woke in the morning, I was comfortable. I didn't want to move. I was surrounded by softness. I was warm and full of pleasure. I didn't want to open my eyes, but suddenly the memory from last night flooded back into my head. I fluttered my eyelids, until they finally opened to my surroundings. Wiping the crust from my eyes, I saw Sebastian's black head beside me. I had a weird feelings. I threw the covers off my body to see Sebastian snuggled up beside me. But even worse, my arm was around his waste, pulling us close until we rested against each other. What had possessed me to do that?

I sat there, enclosed with dizzying shock. But he stirred suddenly, opening his eyes to stare at me. That same enchanting smile lit his face.

"Good morning," he said. I could tell by that look on his face that I was in for it now. Dear God, please help me.

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