Chapter 9

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If I had only one word to describe this party, it would be insane! There were way too many people, smooshed up against the walls. The music was so loud I couldn't hear myself think, let alone what anyone else was saying. And the smell of alcohol and bile seemed to saturate the room. I felt like I was going to puke the first five seconds I was there. But I kept my face bright and enthusiastic for Zach. He made sure I was attatched to his side at all times.

I couldn't believe it. Zach Oliver; the boy I had had a crush on for almost my entire school years was actually into me. He liked me; something I had dreamed about since the dawn of my existince, or at least since I had first met him. It made my head spin and my heart swell. I felt like I could sore for a thousand miles. And to think Zach had actually called me sexy. I was exactly thrilled about the party, but if it meant getting to spend some quality time with Zach, it was totally worth it.

"So, are you having a good time?" Zach asked, pulling me close and nuzzling his face against my cheek. I tried my hardest not to blush, but I did anyway. And I was sure he could feel the sudden warmth in my cheeks.

"Yeah, it's great. But I was wondering, why did you want to come here instead of going to a movie?" I asked. This I was really curious about. A movie seemed okay with me. And it probably wouldn't have required such a fuse over my attention to get ready. I had spent hours getting dolled up, under Sebastian's coy stare, and I didn't see the reason behind his decision.

"Well, for one, I'm not a big fan of group dates," he whispered in my ear. Which meant he was talking about Jamie and Cassidy. Now that I thought about it, he had asked me if I would go out with him, and then Jamie and Cassidy had butted in, inviting themselves.

"And two, at least this way I get to have you all alone," he said, raining kisses down my neck. I was very unstable and caught off guard.

"Well..I-I....." I stammered, completely uncoordinated because of the kisses.

"Mmmmm..." he mumured. My head started to spin more rapidly, leaving me dizzy and super unstable. Zach was pretty daring. Even if he was only 15, he was a guy. Maybe I was just stuck in kid world, and this was what all teenagers did. I've never had a guy treat me like this, unless you count Sebastian's sick practical joke. The very thought of it made my eyes tear up. But this was starting to feel just a little uncomfortable. I know any other girl would willingly through themselves into Zach Oliver's arms, but I guess that's just another thing that comes with living in a small town, not to mention living with a teenage guy that you always want to punch in the face.

Zach moved us to the dance floor, his face still in my neck. I don't know why, but it made me feel embarrassed, standing there with all those people with a teenage guy's face stuck to my neck. I just wanted to find Sebastian and high tail it out of there. But I couldn't. So I would have to just suck it up and put on a happy face.

After a few minutes of dancing under strobe lights that hurt my eyes, i seriously couldn't take any more. My head was pounding, and I know that I sound like a little kid whining about everything, but this just wasn't me. I would probably never go to one of these parties without some kind of persuasion or temptation involved. Maybe Sebastian was right. Maybe this party was too much for me.

What was I saying?! Sebastian isn't right! He's just treating me like a baby that needs to be babysat at home and never live a life. Saying Sebastian was right may have been the hardest thing I have ever said. Now that Sebastian was on my mind, I had no idea where he was. He had disappeared when we came in, and I haven't seen him since. Probably hooking up with some blond bimbo, I thought nastily. What can I say, the dude was hot. A girl would do anything to get attention from a guy like him.

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