Chapter 7

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I tried my best to ignore Sebastian as I scoured the aisles for the things that were on the list my mother had left. But Sebastian wasn't making that very easy. I swear I had earned so many puzzling stares from other shoppers that I would always be remembered as the girl that you should laugh at when you see her.

But Sebastian was completely oblivious to others' stares and my glares. He went right along peeking over my shoulder when I checked the list, mooing whenever I reached for something, and tapping me on the shoulder when my back was turned. I mean seriously, how childish can you get?

I was about five seconds away from punching him so hard in the face I would knock him into next week. But Sebastian didn't notice. I made my way from the dairy section to the checkout line, giving apologetic looks to the other shoppers like a mother embarrassed by her maniac of a kid.

"You know, I could very easily kill you right now," I said to him on our way back to the parking lot. He was carrying most of the bags, with complaining, I assure you. He was a man, toughen up.

"Oh, I know," he said, grinning. So, he had no doubt of my power. I frowned.

"So you do know how completely and totally annoying you were today, right?" I asked. His grin widened.

"I know. I just loved watching your face," he snickered, making me scowl. I socked him in the arm, for the millionth time since his life interfered with mine. But that only made him laugh harder, as if I hadn't hurt him at all. I did it again. He was howling with laughter by the time we reached the car. I was fighting a smile, trying to keep my scowl lodged in place. But with the way he was looking at me, begging me to laugh along, I caved. We were both shaking with laughter as we backed out of the parking lot and headed down the road.

"You've gotta admit," he said between fits of laughter,"The looks on their faces.....priceless," he said, causing me giggle. Again with the girlie giggles. What was up with me?

I came to a four way intersection. I pulled into the left lane, preparing to take the road to go home. But Sebastian put his hand on mine on the steering wheel.

"Do we have to go home?" he asked, pouting like a little kid. I gave him a look and thought it over. I didn't have anything left to do in town. But I didn't particularly want to go home either. And it seemed I would be with Sebastian either way. So I shook my head at him. He beamed at me.

"Hungry?" I asked him. He nodded. I made a wide U-turn that should have sent me to jail, and accelerated towards the nearest mall. Food court all the way.

Sebastian didn't seem that enthused about my choice of location, but he didn't complain. He lazily slung an arm around my waist, pulling me against him. I playfully shoved him way. But he didn't do it again. Which made me feel a little hurt. Did he not like me? And then I mentally slapped myself for even thinking about it. Why should I care?

The mall was buzzing with people, of every shape and size. From your girlie girls straight out of the salon, to your football jocks along with their skimpy girlfriends, and even a group of emo-looking people with tattoo's, lip rings, and black clothes. By the way, I have nothing against emo's. Sebastian followed behind me, looking a little scared.

"Claustrophobic much?" I asked, smiling at him. He grinned.

"Maybe," he allowed. I laughed and followed the signs to the nearest food court.


I made Sebastian find us a table while I ordered. Personally, I thought it was the guy's role to order food. But Sebastian was different. He just seemed like he was from a different world when it came to modern day stuff. And that bothered me. My mind kept flashing back to the first time we met. And he told me he couldn't remember anything. I tried to keep my mind off what that meant. I shook my head.

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