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"Ok, do you guys have your disguises on?" Shirley asked while looking at The Stones's new disguises, gone were the big black coats. They now sported fancy hotel uniforms, Shirley had found them in a supply closet. They tried to replace what was left of their fake mustaches and beards while Shirley went to tell the front desk clerk . "Ok Andy, is it all ready?" She whispered to the guy lazily staring at her, "ya sure Shirley, it's all set 'cept for the taxi that is" he yawned, "but here's the luggage." Five small-ish suitcases and three guitar cases were presented to Shirley, so she just said, "can you at least have them by the door, please Andy?" Andy regarded her. "Sure, but you owe me Shirley"

"Thank you Andy" she called as she rushed back to the cramped elevator. The mob that was in the lobby had thinned considerably and only a few stragglers remained. "Ok go!" Shirley said to Mick, "why me though?" He asked. "Singers first" she shrugged and the others chuckled into their hands, "oh fine" he said as he casually (nervously) walked out, trying to impersonate somebody working there. He walked up to the suitcases and quietly grabbed his luggage while trying to avoid eye contact with one of the fans that was staring at him suspiciously. "Hey!" She called, "You're Mick Jagger!! Tell the others!" She jumped up and down as a rumbling sound came from upstairs. Mick looked up worriedly and stared at Shirley with wide eyes. "I think" she started, "that we should run!!" The remaining Stones finished. They rushed out and each Stone grabbed their respective suitcase and guitar case as Shirley opened up the doors. "Run!" She urged to The Stones as they started running down the street and out the hotel. Running was actually quite peaceful, Shirley thought as they jogged along at a leisurely pace. But that's when she heard the fans coming, that was their head start, and now it was gone. They ran down an alley as the fans ran past, "ok" Shirley puffed, "my apartment, is just down there". They walked down the alleyway and arrived at Shirley's apartment. "Ok, here's the key, now I have to go back to work, just stay in there and keep a low profile" she explained while handing the keys over. "Goodbye" she said, turned to go. As she was walking back she replayed the events of the morning in her head. She'd met her heroes, saved them from a mob and they were now staying in her house. Peculiar, she thought, what a way to spend a Monday morning. Coming back out of her daydream, she saw Jean coming toward her. "Hey Jean? Jean!" She waved at her friend who stalked up to her. "Hey Shirley, we both got fired" she huffed, Shirley stopped smiling, "what? Why?"

"Because I stood up for you, and now we're both fired!" She explained. "Are you mad Jean?" Shirley asked cautiously, "no, I'm not one to be mad, but what do we do now" she said before adding, "and where'd The Stones go?" She looked at Shirley.

"You didn't?" Jean smiled, "you did didn't you?"

"Well, they needed somewhere to stay!" Shirley held up her hands innocently.

"Let's go meet them then" they linked arms and skipped to Shirley's place.

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