Tea and Bagels

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"I think, I'll have a bagel please" Jean looked up at the waitress and she nodded, "and you sir?" She asked while turning towards Mick. "Um, I'll just have some tea please" he said, "and what kind?" The waitress was scribbling their orders furiously on a note pad. "Lipton will be fine" Mick smiled as the waitress walked off to the next order, he set down his menu. "So" he started, "why haven't you trampled me and torn my clothes off yet?" He smiled jokingly and looked at her. Jean's mind went blank, and then she thought of something. She smiled deviously and stared at him, "I haven't yet because I'm only suppressing the urge" she snickered. Mick's features turned from amused to frightened and Jean smiled a real smile and laughed. "I'm only kidding Mick!" Now his features turned to confusion, and then he smiled to. "I like you Jean" he said as he laced his fingers together and put them on display on the table.

The waitress soon arrived and deposited a warm bagel in front of Jean and a cup of tea in front of Mick, bending down and staring at him she wrinkled her nose. "You look familiar" she said as she turned to go. Jean lifted her bagel to her mouth, Mick picked up his tea, and the waitress whirled around and snatched Mick's glasses off. "I knew it!" She almost half screamed, and everyone turned and stared at her and then Mick. Jean turned and slapped the glasses back on Mick's face and threw some money on the table before grabbing his hand and rushing from the coffee shop.

"What about cereal?"


"What kind?"



"You know, Rice Krispies" Shirley laughed as Brian pulled a box of the crispy cereal out of the cupboard. "Fun fact about Rice Krispies" he said as he grabbed two bowls from the cupboard and Shirley grabbed the milk from the fridge. They sat down and poured the cereal and the milk, started to eat, as Brian continued; "a couple of years ago, I got a tune stuck in my head" he stuck a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "And we ended up making a commercial for Rice Krispies out of if" he smiled and that got Shirley laughing. "Really? You're not kidding?"

"Nope!" He shook his head and smiled at her smile.

They eat their cereal in silence as Shirley thought about the commercial. Well, she thought, I guess he did try to get his work acknowledged. Suddenly she thought of something, "hey Brian?" He looked up, "ya?"

"There is a...radio station around here, my friend, Kevin, owns it. Do you want to play the commercial on it and maybe do some Q & A" Brian looked at her weirdly so she explained it better. "Um, his radio station isn't doing very...well and-"

"Well of course then! I'd love to help you're friend"

"Oh thank you Brian!" Shirley gushed, and then she realized how she sounded and blushed deeply.

"I think he ran that way!" The teenage scream echoed off an alley way as a group of girls ran past Mick and Jean, who were hiding in a doorway. "That was close" Jean sighed as her and Mick hopped back onto the street. "Do people always chase you like that?" She asked as they headed to a park, "ya" he said as he scratched the back of his neck, "You get used to it after a while"

"But don't you want it to stop?" She looked at him and he looked back shyly, "don't you wish it would stop?"

They walked on in silence as Mick pondered her question. They sat down beside a river and looked out at the flying birds. "Sometimes" he said as he turned toward Jean, "sometimes it gets so unbearable, I wish I didn't have a voice at all"

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