Chapter Four: What the hell is going on?

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*Harry's P.O.V*

Ok this made no sense. Malfoys friend knocked him out and kidnapped my bestfriend. What the fuck! Ron is going to flip out and what did that guy mean by Hermione is his. None of this makes sense.

How am I supposed to explain to Ron that his girlfriend has been kidnapped? As I contemplated this I saw a note sitting on the edge of the carriage. That Lucas guy must have left it before they jumped from the train.


Dear Mr Potter,

This is a warning notice. We will be taking over Hogwarts soon. We will run things from now on. I suggest your friends surrender to us or life at you school will become very difficult for you and any other who refuses to comply. We are stronger than you but, we dont want to prove it. Please just surrender and save yourself a world of harm. We will be in touch very soon.

P.S Hermione is mine.

Yours sincerly Lucas Blake. :)


Ron is going to be pissed but, Im more worried about them taking over Hogwarts. Why would they do this? How can they? From what I saw there was only six mean, we are a school of over 1000 students we can easily over power them.


"Please let me go. I promise I wont tell anyone who you are and what you did." I demanded as Lucas dragged me along with him.

I pulled backwards against his grip but, he continued to drag me as though I weighed nothing. I swung my foot back like my muggle friend Jake showed me and I kicked him in the face. His grip loosened enough for me to run away.

Not knowing where I was I ran into the darkness of the woods. Normally I would use my wand to light the area up but,Lucas took my wand once we jumped from the train.

"HERMIONE!" Lucas bellowed.

His voice was getting closer. I panicked and ran harder, my legs were pumping a mile an hour and my heart beat so fiercly It almost lept out of my chest. I could see a light in the distance and began to run for it. I was almost made it out the cover of trees when a strong muscular arm wrapped around my waist and a hand slapped over my mouth.

"You are not going anywhere Cupcake. Now stop struggling or Ill be forced to knock you out.

I struggled harder and even tried biting him. I heard him sigh deeply before something was injected into my neck. My eyes began to drop and my knees gave out.

"Why me?" I whispered as I was overwhelmed by Darkness.


That motherfucker! How dare he take Hermione. Why didnt he take a slytherin girl? We all know that they are evil in their own right. Hermione is pure and innocent. she would never hurt another human being.

When Harry told Ginny and I about the letter I couldnt care less about the taking over crap. I just want my Hermione back.

Hermione is an angel why would they take her and who does this Lucas guy thonk he is? Hermione isnt an object she cant be owned.

"Harry we are going to get her back even if I die trying we will get her back." I shouted.

Harry, Ginny, Neville and Luna were taken aback at my out burst we all were currently in our dorm room. We had maps in front of us and were looking for possible places where they had taken Hermione.

The thing that rang in my head though is the fact that they state to being stronger and more powerful than us. I remember a myth my father told me about when I was younger. A group of men who were not just wizard but something else. They were stronger, more dangerous, out of control and unpredictable.

It is not possible they cannot be real. No way. If they are we are all in trouble.

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