Chapter seven: The New Hogwarts

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Dangerous Lover (Harry Potter fan fiction / werewolf story)

Chapter Seven: The new Hogwarts

Hermionie’s P.O.V

Student’s nervously shuffled into the great hall, girls wearing tight blue shirts and knee length grey skirts with ballet flats. The boys all wore grey shirts and black pants with leather shoes. Each student avoided gazes with the new teachers and students, amidst the crowd I noticed Ron and Harry, and they both had bruises and miserable looks on their faces both looking terrible. Tears cascaded down my face at the appearance of my boyfriend and my best friend.

I know that Lucas had something to do with their current state. All students were forced into their seats and threatened not to move. Lucas released the hand which he had been holding tightly, giving me a warning look before he moved towards the podium on the stage. All attention immediately turned towards him and a silence so deadly that a pin could be heard dropping.

“Now students of Hogwarts. My name is Lucas Blake and I am your new headmaster.”

Everyone stood from their seats and began screaming profanities and abuse until a scream was heard from the crowd. I gazed around and looked into the eyes of Ginny and noticed that one of Blake’s mutts had hold of her painfully by the throat. Ron, Harry and Neville struggled to get to her and stop her violent attack. Seeing no other choice, I ran through the crowd trying to help the girl I have always thought of as a sister. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the undeniable sound of a neck being snapped.

Ginny’s eyes stared into mine as she crumpled to a heap on the ground. Her haunting eyes stared back at me. Ron, Harry and Neville finally breaking free began crying and screaming whilst I simply dropped to the ground where I stood. The girl who I had helped to try save in the Chamber of secrets, the girl who I fought beside when we entered the ministry of magic now lay dead at my feet due to something as simple as a snapped neck. Years of dodging curses and dark magic lead to dying a death that any muggle could die. A cowardly act from those mutts.

Tears cascading down my face, sobs reverting through my body, I pushed through the remaining students standing petrified at the dead body before them even, the Slytherins looked scared and god knows they are no Saints. Reaching down to stroke the sweat encased hair from her head, another set of tears hit my shoulder. Harry stood to my left and Ron to my right. I knew someone had to do it but, no one could so I leant down and gently close her eye lids, looking in those haunting, scared eyes once more.

I wrapped my arms around my boys and held them tightly, only to hear the deafening roar coming from behind me. I found myself pulled from the grips of my best friend and boyfriend only to be smashed into a firm chest. The tingles running up and down my arms indicated to me that the person touching me was with no doubt Lucas.

“Do not touch her again.” He growled whilst further barricading me in the protection of his arms.

Ron lunged at the same time Harry did taking me and Lucas down. I felt my back hit the ground and my head hit the edge of the table. Everything was blurred as I witnessed Lucas punching, kicking and throwing my friends around. As the darkness consumed me I heard a voice calling out to me asking me to stay. The voice was familiar but, it my current state every sound was distorted. It all became too much and much to the disagreement of my brain my eyes flickered to a close drowning me in darkness once again.


Lucas’s P.O.V

My fist pounded into the face of her former ex- boyfriend Tom or whatever the fuck his name is my fist went back and forth with no mercy. No mercy! No mercy! The words of my childhood ran through my mind and I went harder. Suddenly a sharp pain engulfed my entire body meaning only one thing…. My mates in trouble.

Dropping the bloodied boy to the ground, I turned and found Draco Malfoy leaning over my beautiful mate’s unconscious body telling her to stay with him. This was when I noticed the small amount of blood coming from her head.

Her fucking ex -boyfriend and friend caused this. If they had never tried to take me on. Tried being the key word, seeing as I am a million times stronger and more powerful than them. Shoving Draco aside gently. He did after all try and help and plus I owe him for the incident on the train when I punch him.

I lifted Hermione into my arms and stormed out of the great hall. But not before demanding that all students return to their classes, the dead body had to be removed but, most importantly Potter and Wesley were to be brought to the dungeons for discipline.

Carrying my beautiful soon to be wife, I held her closely to me and vowed to never let her get hurt like that ever again. My beautiful mate will never have a single hair on her head touched in a bad way.

Authors Note:

 Hey everyone I hope that you all like and enjoy this chapter. It will be better in the next chapters to come. Love you all heaps. xx

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