Chapter 8: Escape 2.0

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Dangerous lover?

Hermiones p.o.v

I awake to a pounding in my head Bday stiffness in my neck. I open my eye and once again am welcomed to the view of the fangtasia (trueblood reference) look alike room. Searching the room I was unable to find the man responsible for all my pain and heartache, the room was empty except for myself.

Seeing this as my only chance to escape I slide myself out of the bed only to end up kissing the floorboards. That stupid moron had once again handcuffed my feet to the base of the bed rendering me incapable of escaping from his evil, conniving clutches. I pull and Yank on the cuffs however, they only click and clang on the base of the bed making a loud and annoying noise.

I stop pulling on the cuffs not wanting to draw anymore attention to myself, sadly the witch God's were not on my side this time. The door clicks open and the familiar looming frame of the devil himself enters the room and runs straight for my crumpled self.

"Baby girl are you ok? His worried and concerned tone and expression shock me as I find myself engulfed in his arms and gently placed upon the bed.

I watch and remain still as he takes a key from his pants pocket and unlocks the handcuffs on my ankles before once again he pulls me towards him chest and holds my in an uncomfortable embrace.

"How is your head baby girl? He asks as he continues to cradle me like a little baby.

"Really sore." I reply quietly.

I feel his iron grasp closeness for a minute as he begins to rummage through the bedside table. Turning towards me, I'm handed two small white pills, I recognise them as panadol.

"Can I please have water? I can't swallow without a drink." I state quietly hoping for this to be my chance at escape.

My feet now being uncuffed and once again the bedroom door stood wide open and inviting. I just need the perfect distraction in order for me to get the head start I seriously needed if I was serious about escaping

I know my plan has worked when I feel a light kiss placed on my forehead and the weight underneath me disappears. Hearing his feet patter into the kitchen I wait not a second longer before, sprinting too and out the door. Now where do I go?

Thief place is scattered with Lucas's monster friends, lurking behind every corner. Can I trust anyone here? HARRY AND RON!!! Whilst I was knocked out, I remember hearing something about them being sent the dungeons for punishment. I must save them!

I run down the corridors, sneak into the court yard, , tip toe past classrooms and slowly make my way to the dungeons staircase.

Hearing the pain filled screams of my boyfriend and best friends, makes my heart ache as I hear their pleas for mercy. Their torturers sniggers and continue their bashings.

Wanting to run in and save the day, I realised that I am wandless. Lucas had taken my wand the first night I arrived here. I have to be brave and protect those I care for.

Ok now what would Ron do? I don't think running to Harry or myself is very helpful right now, so what would Harry do? He would run in there and help me if the roles were reversed.

Standing outside the door of the dungeons, waiting until one of the scumbags was close enough before slamming the door open and stealing his wand. Using his body to block the curse sent my way by torturer number two, one flick of my wand and he too crumpled to the floor.

Running towards Harry and Ron I noticed all the blood surrounding the two of them. I point my wand at the chains and they explode sending Harry and Ron un- ceremoniously to the ground in a heap.

Looking down at Ron I noticed the words "SHE IS MINE!" Carved into his cheat. Instantly I knew who had done that too him. Lucas. Just his name alone causes butterflies in my stomach. I want to hate him, to fear him but something stops me from doing so.

Looking at Ron, I know its my fault he got hurt and that his sister is now no longer among the living.

I feel soft lips pressed against mine and I am pulled into a hug. I instantly know it is Ron due to the orange waves of hair in my face.

"Its not your fault Hermione. We can talk about all of this later but, for now we need to go before those mutts bring back up." Ron says before Gently tugging me towards the exit.

"I hope you aren't talking about us!" I jump hearing the familiar voice behind me.

Turning I see Lucas standing at the enterance of the stair case with several man behind him. I look at his face and instantly cringe he is beyond pissed off.

"Now who was it that called us mutts."

Authors note

Hey everyone, I hope that you enjoy this chapter and hopefully ill upload another chapter later on tonight or later this week. Xx

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