chapter one: Transformation

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Hey everyone please forgive me for any spelling mistakes as I am using m phone. I hope that you fellow Harry Potter fans enjoy my fan fics. If anyone can think of a good cover please inbox me. - jade aka Jadie :)

Chapter one: Transformation

Hermione's p.o.v

I gave myself one last look in the mirror. There I stood in a loose fitting sweater and baggy cargo pants. Walking towards my waredrobe I took a few soothing breaths before throwing all my clothes to the floor. I then went to the far corner of my room and started sorting through my new bags of clothing. I had never had a problem with the way I looked until I fell for him. He changed everything for me. He told me I was pretty but, I didn't have enough confidence and he was right. After he said this to me I decided to change my look and also my confidence. I began packing my new outfits in my Hogwarts trunk amoung piles upon piles of textbooks. A simple undetectable extension charm worked wonders. As I began to place my makeup and hair curler in my bag I heard the sound of flapping wings outside my bedroom window. Making my way to the window, I noticed the picture of Ron and I from last years carnival. I began to laugh as I reminised upon the event......

*Flashback *

"What the bloody hell is that big wheel thing?" Ron demanded whilst I laughed at his amazement.

" My dear Ronald Weasley that is a Ferris wheel. You sit on the chair and the man at the base will press a button and then we will spin the entire circumference. " I explained while he stood with his tongue hanging out his head.

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of kissing my boyfriend as the wheel reached the top top. As if hearing my thoughts Ron gripped hand before dragging me towards the ride. I stood forth in line with a grin plastered upon my face. Risking a glance at Ron i noticed his uneasy look and laughed slightly. The man beakoned us forward and I squeezed Ron's hand reassuringly as we took our seats. It had been only six months since the destruction of the once feared lord voldemorte. I no longer fear his name as he holds nothing over me. It has also been six months since Ron and I began dating. As we neared the top Ron began sweating and shaking. Believing he was scared. I began to rub soothing circles on his thigh. I didn't have a chance to react before his lips viciously crashed mine. I kissed him back passionately. I gasped when Ron bit my lip for entrance, taking this as an invitation his tongue plunge into my mouth. Our tongues entwined and we settled into a synchronized kiss . As his hands travelled to my top a throat was cleared. Pulling apart I came face to face with a very annoyed carnival worker. Apparantly the ride he finished minutes before hand but we were too carried away with our moment of passion to notice.

" I am so sorry sir." I stammered while Rob shot the Guy a glare. Ron and I got off the ride and began to walk away until the Guy gave me a photo. The photo was of Ron and I kissing passionately. I smiled whilst Ron grinned. As we began to walk away I heard the carnival Guy mutter something along the lines of horny teenagers. Ron heard too because no sooner had the words left his mouth he, was hanging upside down by his underwear. I looked at ron but he gave me an innocent look. A far too innocent look. I shook my head once before freeing the poor carnival worker and walking hand in hand with ron towards the exit. I knew in that moment that I had found my soul mate. my other half the one I will spend the rest of my life with. I'm happy for once and nothing can change that.

If only I knew what the future had in store for me.

#end of flashback #

hey everyone thanks so much for reading please let me know what you think please. XOXO.


jade. <3

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